Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Pharmacy

Welcome to the Department of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy, Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) began its journey on 2006 under the Faculty of Science. Our undergraduate and postgraduate programs provide a broad knowledge of theoretical and empirical aspects of pharmaceutical sciences. The department offers dynamic field of study and research, which help to ensure quality drugs and contribute in the health sector. At present, this Department has 24 qualified and experienced academic and 8 non-academic staffs, 2 well-equipped research laboratories and two common laboratory, three classrooms, 376 students and one seminar library with 1023 books and 200 journals. Approximately 500 papers in the field of pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, pharmacogenomics, phytochemistry and pharmaceutical technology have been published in national and international journals since the inception of the department. Faculty members are now running several projects by research grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

This Department is offering the following degrees:

Name of Degrees Course Started Duration Language
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
2005-06 4 Years English
  • Master of Pharmacy
2009-10 1.5 Years English
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
2024 3 Years English

Mission and Vision


(1) To develop competent professionals, scientists, and academicians by providing the highest quality educational experiences.
(2) To foster a learning-centered, research-oriented and professionally motivated educational environment that encourages individuals to make positive contributions to the health sector.
(3) To cultivate relationships with the key stakeholders to meet the changing needs and shape the pharmaceutical industries.
(4) To achieve its mission by striving for excellence in education, service and research- all directed towards enhancing health and quality of life of people.


Our vision is to create leaders of Pharmaceutical Sciences through cross-cutting research, scholarly enquiry, and development of new knowledge.

Message from the Chairman

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Dr. A F M Shahid Ud Daula

Chairman and Professor

Department of Pharmacy

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Mailing Address

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd