Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Social Work

Welcome to the Department of Social Work

The department of social work was established in 2018 and from then it successfully engaged in teaching and research activities. At present there are 04 full time teachers and 03 office staffs. The present enrolments of the students are about 31 and 200 at the graduate and undergraduate programs respectively. The department has large number of textbooks. The Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S.) degree in social work under the faculty of social science, NSTU, is an integrated four years (eight semesters) program. The program includes courses of both theoretical and applied nature, but more emphasis is given on the applications of the social work throwers to real life situations. The students enrolled in BSS. (Hon’s.) in social work will have to complete a total of 140 credits in 4 years (eight semesters). The department has an association of its own named “YSWS-Youth Social Workers Society”. The aim of the association are to uphold the academic interests of the department, to organize indoor games, social work activities programs, functions, student welfare for the new students, farewell party for the outgoing students.

This Department is offering the following degrees:

Name of Degrees Course Started Duration Language
  • Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) in Social Work
2018-19 4 Years English
  • Master of Social Science (MSS) in Social Work
2022-23 1 Year English

Mission and Vision


1. To provide in-depth knowledge in social work theory and its applications with updated contents for the benefit of society.
2. To exaggerate students to be excellent in problem solving and logical reasoning on the strength of the social work approaches.
3. To disseminate social knowledge to ensure effective applications of social work in real life for the development of both national and international communities.


To develop skilled and competent manpower with in-depth knowledge in social work arena and innovative research to serve the needs of local and global communities in the field of Social Work.

Message from the Chairman

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Seefat E Mannan

Chairman and Assistant Professor

Department of Social Work

Chairman Note is not provided............................

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Mailing Address

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd