Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of A.F.M Arifur Rahman

A.F.M Arifur Rahman

About A.F.M Arifur Rahman

BSc (Hons.) in Fisheries, MS in Fisheries (DU), Doctoral Candidate, Kumamoto University, Japan


Ahmed, S., Rahman, A.F.M. A., and Hossain, M.B. Phytoplankton Biodiversity in Seasonal Waterlogged Paddy Fields, Bangladesh. Ecologia 3(1):1-8.2013. ISSN 1996-4021./DOI:10.3923/ecologia. 2013.1.8 @2013 Academic Journal Inc.


Nishan, M.H., Anisul, M I., Chowdhury, M. I., Rahman, M A., Rahman., A.F.M. (2015). An Overview on Sustainable Aqua-Farming Integration in the Mid Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Poultry Science. 9. 50-56. 10.3923/ajpsaj.2015.50.56

Chowdhury, M. I., Mahmud, A I., and  Rahman, A.F.M.A. 2014. Effects of  Water Salinity on Feeding Efficiencies, Growth Performances and Survival Rate of Thai Strain Koi, Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792). World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 6 (5): 479-486, 2014. ISSN 2078-4589


Rahman, M. A., Rahman, A.F.M. A., Asadujjaman, M., Akter, A., Chowdhury, M. M. I., and Sarwer, M.G. Present Status of Fish Biodiversity: Two Types Rain-Fed Waterlogged Paddy Lands in Bangladesh. W. J. of Fish and Marine Sci. (WJFMS) Vol: 6 No :( 4):371-377, 2014. ISSN 2078-4589

Paul, P. K., Rahman, A.F.M.A., and Nazrul, K. M.. S. 2014. Successful Practice of Community-Based Fisheries Management in Seasonal Water Logged Paddy Lands of Begumganj, Noakhali, Bangladesh. International Journal of Research In Agriculture and Food Sciences, June. 2014. Vol. 2, No.2 pp.29-37  © 2013 - 2014 IJRAFS & K.A.J. http://www.ijsk.org/ijrafs.html.

Kamruzzaman, M., Rahman, A.F.M., Rabbane, M.G., Ahmed, M.S., and Mustafa, M.G. Growth performance of Stinging catfish (Heteropneustes Fossilis; Bloch) rearing and feeding on formulated fish feed in the laboratory condition. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Management,Vol.1 Issue.1 September-2013,pg.18-28.

Mazumder, T., Rabbane, M.G., Rahman, A.F.M., Minar, M.H., and Hasan,M. A Study on Fish Culture System in Kotalipara Upazila, Gopalganj. Int.J.LifeSc. Bt & Pharm.Res. Vol.2, No.3, July-2013. pp. 59-69. ISSN 2250-3137.

Hasan, M., Sharker, V.S. Rahman, M.S. and Rahman, A.F.M.A. 2009. Non-Conventional Fishery By-Products of Fish Markets in Dhaka Metropolis, Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development; Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) XIX No.(2)

Akter, A., Rahman, A.F.M.A., and Jahan, S. S. 2011. Cholesterol Level of the Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879) at its Different Life Stages. W. J. of Fish and Marine Sci. (WJFMS) Vol: 3 No :( 4):308-313, ISSN 2078-4589.

Ahmed, S., Rahman, A.F.M. A, Mustafa, M. G.,Hossain,M.B.,  and Nahar, N. Nutrient composition of Indigenous and Exotic fishes of Rainfed waterlogged paddy fields in Lakshmipur, Bangladesh. World Journal of Zoology 7(2):135-140, 2012. ISSN 1817-3098

Ahmed, S., Rahman, A.F.M. A., and Hossain, M.B. Phytoplankton Biodiversity in Seasonal Waterlogged Paddy Fields, Bangladesh. Ecologia 3(1):1-8.2013. ISSN 1996-4021./DOI:10.3923/ecologia. 2013.1.8 @2013 Academic Journal Inc

Rabbane, M.G., and Rahman, A.F.M.A. 2013. Effect of Maternal estradiol hormone on gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Dhaka Univ.J.Pharm.Sci.12(1):71-74,2013(June)

Minar, M. H., Rahman, A.F.M.A., and Anisuzzaman, M. 2013. Livelihood Status of the Fisherman of the Kirtonkhola River nearby to the Barisal Town. J. Agrofor. Environ. 6(2):115-118, 2012. ISSN1995-6982

Hasan, M., Rahman, A.F.M.A., and Mandal, S.C. 2012.  Fishing gears of the North West. Bangladesh. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol: 9 &10 (2011-12):123-131.ISSN 1994-0386.

Ahmed, S., Mustafa, M. G., Naser, M.N.,  Rahman, A.F.M. A, and Nahar,N. Limnological Aspects of Waterlogged Paddy Fields in Lakshmipur, Bangladesh.  The Journal of NOAMI, Bangladesh. Vol.28.No.1, 2011(June). ISSN 1027-2119.

Ahmed, S., Rahman, A.F.M. A, Mustafa, M. G., and Chowdhury, M. H. 2011. Ichthyodiversity and their Seasonal Variations in Six Seasonal Waterlogged Paddy Fields of Ramgong, Lakshmipur. Intl. J. of BioRes.11 (2):26-31. ISSN 1819-8783.

Wahed, M.A., Khaleque, M.A., Rahman, A.F.M.A. and Mustafa, M.G. 2005. Effects of salt and ice on the extension of shelf life of Punti fish (Puntius stigma, Cuvier and Valenciennes 1844) during short-term preservation. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science 14 (2): 129-135.

Hasan, M., Rabbane, M.G., Islam, M.M. and Rahman, A.F.M.A. 2005. Effects of low-level salinity on egg hatching and larval rearing of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 14(1): 91-94

Rahman, A.F.M.A., Mustafa, M.G., Wahed, M.A., and Khaleque, M.A. 2007. Effects of dietary vitamin C on the reproductive performances in koi fish, Anabas testudineus (bloch, 1792). Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science; 16(1): 11-19.

Rahman, A.F.M.A., Mustafa, M.G., Wahed, M.A. and Khaleque, M.A. 2007. Effects of dietary vitamin C on the feed utilization rate and growth performance in koi fish, Anabas testudineus (bloch, 1792) in laboratory condition. Bangladesh J.  Zoo.35 (1): 95-105

Accepted paper

Akter, S., Rahman, A.F.M A., Minar, M. H., Afroz, H., and Begum, M. Development of salted Punti fish (Puntius sophore Hamilton, 1822) product by salt curing method in laboratory condition.  World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences. Accepted ref no. - RRR 106113 WJFMS.

Experiences and Activities