Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Agriculture

Academic Profile of Dr. Gazi Md. Mohsin

Dr. Gazi Md. Mohsin

About Dr. Gazi Md. Mohsin

B.Sc. Ag (Hons.), MS (Genetics and Plant Breeding), Ph.D in Genetics and Plant Breeding. 

Around 23 crop varieties both hybrids and HYV of vegetables were developed.

 Onion and Cauliflower hybrid variety were first developed and commercialized   in Bangladesh using CMS mechanism.

Experienced in Bt variety of egg plant development

Won Best Young Scientist Award 2010.

Won Best Plant Breeder Award 2005

Worked as FAO Fellow (New Delhi) in 1997

Worked as IVLP Fellow (USA) in 2013






Referred journal articles:


  1. Rahman M.K, R Mandal, AA Khurshed, GM Mohsin and MA Zaman,1997. Micronutrients status of rubber growing soils of Modhupur. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 23(1):95-100.


  1. Rahman M.K, SM kabir and GM Mohsin, 1998. Effect of phosphorus and Potassium on growth and nitrozen accumulation in Sesbania rostrata. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 24(1): 161-165.


  1. Mohsin GM, MAK Mian, MM Hossain and T Hossain, 2004. Performance of backcross populations in hybrid seed production of radish in Bangladesh. Pl. Breed and Genet. Soc. Bangladesh 17(1):31-36


  1. Rahman M.K, SM Kabir, GM Mohsin and M Didarul Alam, 2006. Interaction of arbuscular mycorrizal fungus Glomus mosseae and phosphorus on growth and nutrient uptake of maize plants grown under different soil conditions. Bangladesh  J. Bot. 35(1):1-7.


  1. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, MB Meah and K Okazaki, 2006. Effect of epical wax and evaluation of resistance to dark leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) in Brassica oleracea. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. & Tech. 10 (1&2): 11-14


  1. Rahman MK, SM Kabir, GM Mohsin, M Didarul Alam and R Mandal, 2008. Effects of inoculation with arbuscular- myccorizal fungi and phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of mungbean growtn in sterile and non-sterile soil. Indian  J. phytol. Res. 21(2):247-251


  1. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, MB Meah and K Okazaki, 2008. Heritability of resistance to dark leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) in Brassica spp.. Bangladesh J. Sci. Foundation. 6 (2): 67-71


  1. MAU Doullah, MB Meah, GM Mohsin, A Hassan, T Ikeda, H Hori, and K Okazaki, 2009. Evaluation of resistance in Brassica rapa to dark pod spot (Alternaria brassicicola) using the in vitro detached pod assay. SABRAO J. of Breed. and Genet. 41(2) 101-113.


  1. Mohsin GM, 2009. Research and Development Activities on Vegetable Seed Production. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Vegetable Seed Production and Technology at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 53-55.


  1. Rahman M.K, S.M. Kabir, GM Mohsin, and A.H.M.Z. Ali, 2011. Response of pueraria cover crop to inoculation with AM fungi and phosphorus in upland soil of rubber plantation areas in Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 20(1): 99-102.


  1. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, K Ishikawa, H Hori and K Okazaki, 2011. Construction of a Linkage Map and QTL analysis for Black Rot resistance in Brassica oleracea L. Int. J. of Natural Sci. 1(1): 1-6


  1. Mohsin GM, Mahbub Anam, M. A Razzaque, F S Sikder and ASM I Hussain, 2011. Research and Development Activities on Cereal Crops on Food Security. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Res. Achievement of past Ten years in Cereal Crops and Future Research Strategies for Sustainable production and Food Security at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 130-139.


  1. Mohsin GM, Salina Sultana, M.A. Razzaque, and ASM I Hussain, 2012. Progress works on research and development of Lal Teer Seed Limited regarding pulses and oil seed crops. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Research Achievement of past Ten years of Pulses and Oilseeds and Future Research Strategies for Sustainable Crop Production at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 308-313.


  1. Mohsin GM, R Islam, ASM I Hussain, and M.A. Razzaque, 2012. Hybrid Seed Production in Vegetables. Proceedings of the third international conference on quality seed for food security under changing climate, BAU, Mymensingh.: 93-97.



  1. Mohsin GM, Farruk Ahmed, S. Sultana, Suma Mitra, M S Rahman, J F   

Shoma, A. Sultana, and M S Islam, 2013. Use of Male Sterility and Synthesis of Maintainer line for Hybrid Seed Production in Onion (Allium cepa L.). Proceedings of the Workshop on male sterility in onion: It’s progress and prospects in Bangladesh. Organized by SRC, BARI, Shibgonj, Bogra.: 15-21



  1. P. Banerjee, S. Mitra, M. Zaman, M E Haque and GM Mohsin, 2014. Progress of Biotechnological Research and Development Activities at Lal Teer Seed Limited. Souvenir of the 7th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference on Biotechnology and Biosafety for Human Welfare , Dhaka, Bangladesh: 31-34


  1. Mohsin GM, 2014. Lao o Mistikumra foshol er falon briddhir upay. Mashik Amar Khamar Amar Jibon. 12.: 8


  1. Mohammed K. Hossain, Nazmul Alam, Jaime A., Teixeira da Silva, Bhabendra K. Biswas and GM Mohsin, 2013. Genetic Relationship and Diversity based on Agro-Morphogenic Characters in Yard long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis L.Fruw) Germplasm. Int. J. Pl. Breed. 7(2):129-135


  1. MA Alam, AS Juraimi, MY Rafii, A Abdul Hamid, F Aslani, and GM Mohsin, 2014. A comparison of yield potentialand cultivar performance of 20 collected purselane (Portulaka oleracea L.) accessions employing seeds vs.stem cutting. J.Agr. Sci.Tech. 16: 1633-1648


As an Associate Professor:


  1. Mohsin GM, Islam M, Rahman MS, Hasanuzzaman M and Biswas BK, 2016. Genetic Divergence in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). J. of Adv.  plants & Agric. Res.4 (5): 1-4


  1. Mohsin GM, Farruk Ahmed, M. S. Rahman and M. S. Islam, 2016. Use of male sterility and synthesis of maintainer line for hybrid seed production in onion (Allium cepa  L.). Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed. Genet., 29(1): 31-38


  1. M. Ruhullah , M. S. Rahman , Md. Sarafat Ali ,GM Mohsin  and M. Khalekuzzaman, 2017. Establishment of Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation in Popular Rice Cultivar BRRI Dhan-29 through Reporter GUS Gene Expression System in Bangladesh FPI 1(2): 67-75


  1. Mohsin GM, M.S. Islam, M. Billah, S. Hossain, K. Hossain, A. Doullah, 2017. Determination of genetic divergence in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir) through multivariate analysis. J. of Noakhali Sci. and Tech. University, 1(1):1-7


  1. Mohsin GM, M.S. Islam, M.S. Rahman, L. Ali and M. Hasanuzzaman, 2017. Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients of yield and its components analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 8-13


  1. Mohsin GM, MAU Doullah, M Hasanuzzaman, B.K. Biswas, M. S. Islam, M. S. Rahman, A.K.M. Aminul Islam, 2017. Combining ability analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). Cont. Res. In India. 7(3):176-181


  1. MAR Bhuiyan, GM Mohsin, M.K. Narimah , R. Wickneswari, 2017. Analysis of G X E interaction and mega-environment identification using rice transgressive variants derived from an inter-specific cross. J. of Noakhali Sci. and Tech. University, 1(2):19-26


  1. O. Faruk, M. S. Islam, G M Mohsin, M. M. Hossain, N. J. Methela 2018. Quantitative characterization of guava germplasm. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU), 2 (1): 43-51.


As Professor:


  1. G.M. Mohsin, M. Alauddin, M. Rahman, M.K. Uddin, F.F Meem, A.H.M.Z. Ali, M.S. Rahman and M.K. Rahman, 2019. Interactive effects of phosphorus and potassium on biomass production and accumulation of nitrogen in field grown mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 9 (1): 14-17


  1. M.A. Alam, T.A. Nadirah, G.M. Mohsin, M. Saleh, K.M. Moneruzzaman, F. Aslani, A.S. Juraimi and M. Z. Alam. 2020. Antioxidant compounds, antioxidant activities and mineral contents among underutilized vegetables. Int. J .of Veg. Sci. Taylor & Francis Group. https;//doi.org/10.1080/19315260.2020.1748785: 1-10


  1. M.A. Alam, M. Saleh, G.M. Mohsin, T.A. Nadirah, F. Aslani, M.M. Rahman, S. Kumar Roy, A.S. Juraimi, M. Z Alam. 2020.Evaluation of phenolics, capsaicinoids, antioxidant properties, and major macro-micro minerals of some hot and sweet peppers and ginger land-races of Malaysia. J. Food Process Preserv. Wiley Periodicals LLC.  https;//doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.14483: 1-11


  1. B. Hossain, R.A. Ruhi, G.M. Mohsin. 2020. Effects of varieties and seedlings age on growth and yield of cauliflower. //Tropical Agroecosystems (TAEC)1{2):62-66


  1. Sk.M.U. Salehin, G.M. Mohsin, T. Ferdous, J.R. Zaman, M.J. Uddin and M.K. Rahman. 2020. Soil Fertility and Leaf Nutrient status of mango orchards sites. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol.Sci. 29(2); 155-163  



    Referred journal articles:


  2. Rahman M.K, R Mandal, AA Khurshed, GM Mohsin and MA Zaman,1997. Micronutrients status of rubber growing soils of Modhupur. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 23(1):95-100.

  4. Rahman M.K, SM kabir and GM Mohsin, 1998. Effect of phosphorus and Potassium on growth and nitrozen accumulation in Sesbania rostrata. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 24(1): 161-165.

  6. Mohsin GM, MAK Mian, MM Hossain and T Hossain, 2004. Performance of backcross populations in hybrid seed production of radish in Bangladesh. Pl. Breed and Genet. Soc. Bangladesh 17(1):31-36

  8. Rahman M.K, SM Kabir, GM Mohsin and M Didarul Alam, 2006. Interaction of arbuscular mycorrizal fungus Glomus mosseae and phosphorus on growth and nutrient uptake of maize plants grown under different soil conditions. Bangladesh  J. Bot. 35(1):1-7.

  10. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, MB Meah and K Okazaki, 2006. Effect of epical wax and evaluation of resistance to dark leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) in Brassica oleracea. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. & Tech. 10 (1&2): 11-14

  12. Rahman MK, SM Kabir, GM Mohsin, M Didarul Alam and R Mandal, 2008. Effects of inoculation with arbuscular- myccorizal fungi and phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of mungbean growtn in sterile and non-sterile soil. Indian  J. phytol. Res. 21(2):247-251

  14. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, MB Meah and K Okazaki, 2008. Heritability of resistance to dark leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) in Brassica spp.. Bangladesh J. Sci. Foundation. 6 (2): 67-71

  16. MAU Doullah, MB Meah, GM Mohsin, A Hassan, T Ikeda, H Hori, and K Okazaki, 2009. Evaluation of resistance in Brassica rapa to dark pod spot (Alternaria brassicicola) using the in vitro detached pod assay. SABRAO J. of Breed. and Genet. 41(2) 101-113.

  18. Mohsin GM, 2009. Research and Development Activities on Vegetable Seed Production. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Vegetable Seed Production and Technology at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 53-55.

  20. Rahman M.K, S.M. Kabir, GM Mohsin, and A.H.M.Z. Ali, 2011. Response of pueraria cover crop to inoculation with AM fungi and phosphorus in upland soil of rubber plantation areas in Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 20(1): 99-102.

  22. MAU Doullah, GM Mohsin, K Ishikawa, H Hori and K Okazaki, 2011. Construction of a Linkage Map and QTL analysis for Black Rot resistance in Brassica oleracea L. Int. J. of Natural Sci. 1(1): 1-6

  24. Mohsin GM, Mahbub Anam, M. A Razzaque, F S Sikder and ASM I Hussain, 2011. Research and Development Activities on Cereal Crops on Food Security. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Res. Achievement of past Ten years in Cereal Crops and Future Research Strategies for Sustainable production and Food Security at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 130-139.

  26. Mohsin GM, Salina Sultana, M.A. Razzaque, and ASM I Hussain, 2012. Progress works on research and development of Lal Teer Seed Limited regarding pulses and oil seed crops. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Research Achievement of past Ten years of Pulses and Oilseeds and Future Research Strategies for Sustainable Crop Production at BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 308-313.

  28. Mohsin GM, R Islam, ASM I Hussain, and M.A. Razzaque, 2012. Hybrid Seed Production in Vegetables. Proceedings of the third international conference on quality seed for food security under changing climate, BAU, Mymensingh.: 93-97.


  30. Mohsin GM, Farruk Ahmed, S. Sultana, Suma Mitra, M S Rahman, J F   
  31. Shoma, A. Sultana, and M S Islam, 2013. Use of Male Sterility and Synthesis of Maintainer line for Hybrid Seed Production in Onion (Allium cepa L.). Proceedings of the Workshop on male sterility in onion: It’s progress and prospects in Bangladesh. Organized by SRC, BARI, Shibgonj, Bogra.: 15-21



  32. P. Banerjee, S. Mitra, M. Zaman, M E Haque and GM Mohsin, 2014. Progress of Biotechnological Research and Development Activities at Lal Teer Seed Limited. Souvenir of the 7th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference on Biotechnology and Biosafety for Human Welfare , Dhaka, Bangladesh: 31-34

  34. Mohsin GM, 2014. Lao o Mistikumra foshol er falon briddhir upay. Mashik Amar Khamar Amar Jibon. 12.: 8

  36. Mohammed K. Hossain, Nazmul Alam, Jaime A., Teixeira da Silva, Bhabendra K. Biswas and GM Mohsin, 2013. Genetic Relationship and Diversity based on Agro-Morphogenic Characters in Yard long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis L.Fruw) Germplasm. Int. J. Pl. Breed. 7(2):129-135

  38. MA Alam, AS Juraimi, MY Rafii, A Abdul Hamid, F Aslani, and GM Mohsin, 2014. A comparison of yield potentialand cultivar performance of 20 collected purselane (Portulaka oleracea L.) accessions employing seeds vs.stem cutting. J.Agr. Sci.Tech. 16: 1633-1648

    As an Associate Professor:


  40. Mohsin GM, Islam M, Rahman MS, Hasanuzzaman M and Biswas BK, 2016. Genetic Divergence in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). J. of Adv.  plants & Agric. Res.4 (5): 1-4

  42. Mohsin GM, Farruk Ahmed, M. S. Rahman and M. S. Islam, 2016. Use of male sterility and synthesis of maintainer line for hybrid seed production in onion (Allium cepa  L.). Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed. Genet., 29(1): 31-38

  44. M. Ruhullah , M. S. Rahman , Md. Sarafat Ali ,GM Mohsin  and M. Khalekuzzaman, 2017. Establishment of Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation in Popular Rice Cultivar BRRI Dhan-29 through Reporter GUS Gene Expression System in Bangladesh FPI 1(2): 67-75

  46. Mohsin GM, M.S. Islam, M. Billah, S. Hossain, K. Hossain, A. Doullah, 2017. Determination of genetic divergence in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir) through multivariate analysis. J. of Noakhali Sci. and Tech. University, 1(1):1-7

  48. Mohsin GM, M.S. Islam, M.S. Rahman, L. Ali and M. Hasanuzzaman, 2017. Genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients of yield and its components analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 8-13

  50. Mohsin GM, MAU Doullah, M Hasanuzzaman, B.K. Biswas, M. S. Islam, M. S. Rahman, A.K.M. Aminul Islam, 2017. Combining ability analysis in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch Ex Poir). Cont. Res. In India. 7(3):176-181

  52. MAR Bhuiyan, GM Mohsin, M.K. Narimah , R. Wickneswari, 2017. Analysis of G X E interaction and mega-environment identification using rice transgressive variants derived from an inter-specific cross. J. of Noakhali Sci. and Tech. University, 1(2):19-26

  54. O. Faruk, M. S. Islam, G M Mohsin, M. M. Hossain, N. J. Methela 2018. Quantitative characterization of guava germplasm. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU), 2 (1): 43-51.

    As Professor:


  56. G.M. Mohsin, M. Alauddin, M. Rahman, M.K. Uddin, F.F Meem, A.H.M.Z. Ali, M.S. Rahman and M.K. Rahman, 2019. Interactive effects of phosphorus and potassium on biomass production and accumulation of nitrogen in field grown mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 9 (1): 14-17

  58. M.A. Alam, T.A. Nadirah, G.M. Mohsin, M. Saleh, K.M. Moneruzzaman, F. Aslani, A.S. Juraimi and M. Z. Alam. 2020. Antioxidant compounds, antioxidant activities and mineral contents among underutilized vegetables. Int. J .of Veg. Sci. Taylor & Francis Group. https;//doi.org/10.1080/19315260.2020.1748785: 1-10

  60. M.A. Alam, M. Saleh, G.M. Mohsin, T.A. Nadirah, F. Aslani, M.M. Rahman, S. Kumar Roy, A.S. Juraimi, M. Z Alam. 2020.Evaluation of phenolics, capsaicinoids, antioxidant properties, and major macro-micro minerals of some hot and sweet peppers and ginger land-races of Malaysia. J. Food Process Preserv. Wiley Periodicals LLC.  https;//doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.14483: 1-11

  62. B. Hossain, R.A. Ruhi, G.M. Mohsin. 2020. Effects of varieties and seedlings age on growth and yield of cauliflower. //Tropical Agroecosystems (TAEC)1{2):62-66

  64. Sk.M.U. Salehin, G.M. Mohsin, T. Ferdous, J.R. Zaman, M.J. Uddin and M.K. Rahman. 2020. Soil Fertility and Leaf Nutrient status of mango orchards sites. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol.Sci. 29(2); 155-163  

Experiences and Activities

Training received:

  • International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on: Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Crops at USA, 6-27 July, 2013
  • Training on Genome Sequencing Technology jointly organized by BGI, China and LTLL at LTSL, Bashon, Gazipur, 28.1.2013 to 29.1.2013
  •  Training on Plant Breeding jointly organized by BGI, China and LTSL at LTSL, Bashon, Gazipur, 28.1.2013 to 29.1.2013
  • Training on Animal Breeding jointly organized by BGI, China and LTLL at LTSL, Bashon, Gazipur, 28.1.2013 to 29.1.2013
  •  International Training Workshop on New Technology of Vegetable Varieties at Anhui, China, 6-23 June 2012
  • Training on “Vegetable Seed Improvement “ for one month  (October)in New Delhi, 1997
  • Improvement of grain legumes for tropical agriculture through gene transfer: new approaches and biosafety aspects, under University of Hannover, Germany, and DU, held on 12th Feb-17th Feb 2005
  • Biotechnology issues and risk communication by BARC and ISAAA, held on 19-20 June 2005
  • ABSP-II: Insect Resistance Management (IRM) under ABSP-II, TNAU, Coimbator, India in 2005
  • Hybrid seed production in vegetables by SEDF, held on 24.2.2007 to 26.2007
  • Trained on “Agricultural Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change” held at BARC, during 10-11 June 2015





As a resource speaker for the post graduate certificate course on Seed Technology duration18.2.10 to 19.2.2010 in Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali


As a resource speaker for the post graduate certificate course on Seed Technology duration9.2.11 to 10.2.2011 in Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali


As a resource speaker for the post graduate certificate course on Seed Technology duration 24.12.15 to 26.12.2015 in BSMRAU, Gazipur


External University Teacher:

As an external teacher for the Department of Seed Science duration 29.8.10 to 31.8.10 in Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh


As an external teacher for the Department of Biotechnology duration 14.2.16 to 17.2.16 in SAU-Dhaka, Bangladesh.


External member of syllabus committee, Dept. of Agriculture, NSTU, Noakhali

External member of syllabus committee, dept. of Biotechnology, SAU, Dhaka

External member of syllabus committee, dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SAU, Sylhet


Experience: 19 years experienced in commercial Vegetable Breeding, gene identification and their combinations.


Academic &Professional awards:

  • Best Young Scientist Award 2010 by Plant Breeding and Genetics Society of Bangladesh
  • BASOP AWARD 2011
  • Best Breeder Award 2004 by Lal Teer Seed Limited