Dr. Khandakar Ashraful Islam
Associate Professor | |
PhD (Osmania University, Hyderabad, India) Master of Arts (University of Chittagong) Bachelor of Arts (University of Chittagong) |
[email protected] | |
+8801322241368 | |
Blood Group: O- | |
Joining Date : 2016-12-26 | |
Research Interests:
Postcolonial Literature |
About Dr. Khandakar Ashraful Islam
Dr. Khandakar Ashraful Islam, (ORCID: 0000-0002-0176-4518), is an Associate Professor in the Department of English, Noakhali Science and Technology University. Under ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) Fellowship he obtained his PhD degree from the Department of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India in 2021. His research expertise is concentrated on postcolonial literature, subaltern literature and Indian literature in English. His research articles have appeared in reputed peer reviewed journals like Crossroads: A Journal of University of Bialystok (Scopus Indexed), Spectrum: A Journal of the Department of English University of Dhaka, Crossings: ULAB Journal of English Studies, English Studies in India: A Journal of University of Kashmir. Moreover, he has participated in numerous national and international conferences, symposiums and trainings. He is currently engaged in a research project on the plights and struggles of the scavenger community in India and Bangladesh.
1) “Biopolitical Nomos and “Bare Life” in Arundhati Roy’s Novels.” published in Crossroads: A Scopus Indexed Journal published from University of Białystok, Poland, Vol. 34, Nov. 2021, pp.16-26. doi: 10.15290/10.15290/CR.2021.34.3.02. 2) "The Reason Why Abdul Jalil Died: A Kafkaesque Quagmire." The Asian Age: Bookshelf, Sept. 26, 2021 [Book Review] [Hyperlink: https://dailyasianage.com/news/272389/th] 3) ““Things can change in a day”: Rereading Arundhati Roy’s Novels in the Dichotomy of “Change”” (co-author Shirin Akter) published in Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, University of Liberal Arts; Vol. 11; 2020; ISSN 2071-1107; Bangladesh. 4) “Nature: A Warrior or a Victim of War?: Reading Midnight’s Children in the Light of the Liberation War of Bangladesh (1971)” published in Spectrum: A Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka; Vol. 12; 2016; ISSN: 1562-7195; Bangladesh. 5) “(Re)tracing Resistance from a Culture of Silence: An Alternate Reading of the ‘Jele’ (fishing) Community” published in Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, University of Liberal Arts; Vol. 7; 2016; ISSN 2071-1107; Bangladesh. 6) “American Dream: A Myth of Success or Mirage?: An Investigation into Lahiri’s The Namesake and Unaccustomed Earth” published in English Studies in India : A Referred Journal from the Department of English, University of Kashmir; Vol. 24; January 2016; ISSN: 0975-6574; India. |
Experiences and Activities
Current Research: |