Dr. Md. Ziaul Haque
Associate Professor | |
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) (University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China) MBA (Master of Business Administration (University of Dhaka) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) (University of Dhaka) H.S.C (Higher Secondary Certificate) (Dhaka College) |
[email protected] | |
+8801913989613 | |
Blood Group: B+ | |
Joining Date : 2018-03-05 | |
Research Interests:
Online Social Networking (OSNs), Capital Market, Technology adoption |
About Dr. Md. Ziaul Haque
Dr. Md. Ziaul Haque is currently working as an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, Noakhali Science and Technology University. Before, he worked as Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, Noakhali Science and Technology University. He also worked as Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer at Primeasia Univeristy, East West University and Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology respectively. Dr. Haque received PhD in Business Management (MIS & Behavioral Finance) from the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China in 2020. His dissertation was on the effect of online social networks (OSNs) on investors’ investment decisions in the capital market. His work has been published in many international and national journals including the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Int. J. Business Information Systems, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, etc. He presented his research at some international conferences on information systems. At present, he is working on Online Social Networks (OSNs), Capital market, and Technology adoption.
Referred Journal Publications Haque, M.Z., Qian, A. Amin, M. & Islam, T. (2020). An Empirical Study on Geotagging Technology Adoption among the Social Networking Sites (SNSs) Users: the moderating effect of geotagg’s use frequency, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 19 (3), 2050018 (33 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S0219649220500185. Haque, M.Z, Qian, A., Islam, M.S & Lucky, S.A. (2020). Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Value: Influencing on Social Networking Sites (SNSs) Adoption of Institutional Investors, Int. J. Business Information Systems, In press, (Accepted on 31 December, 2019) Haque, M.Z. & Khan R.H. (2020). Adoption of Geotagging Technology for Tourism Experience: A Study on Social Networking Sites’ Users. Journal of Business Administration, 41 (1), 53-73 Bhuiyan, M.B., Islam, M.A., Haque, M.Z., & Biswas, C. (2020). Moderating effect of technology readiness on adoption of geotagging technology among social networking sites (SNSS) users for smart tourism. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 34(1), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.34107-618 Amin, M., Wu, J. & Haque, M.Z. (2019).The impact of corporate political connections and executive’s international experience on Chinese firms’ initial public offerings in the USA", Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies,12(3),431-450. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-04-2019-0041 Haque, M.Z., Qian, A. & Akther, T. (2019). Investigating the Impact of Environmental and Organizational Factors on the Adoption of Social Networking Sites (SNSs), Journal of Business, 4(1), 17-28. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18533/job.v4i1.118 Akther,T., Fengju,X. & Haque, M.Z. (2019). An Investigation of Audit Expectation Gap in Bangladesh, Journal of Business, 4(2), 1-11. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18533/job.v4i2.120 Khan, R.H & Haque, M.Z. (2017) Compliance with Corporate Governance Guidelines: A Comparative Study of High-performing Private Commercial Banks and State-owned Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), 5 (4),93-107 Haque, M.Z.(2016) Prospective Area of ICT Use to Improve the Performance of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh. The Cost & Management, XLIV.(2),40-46 Haque, M.Z.(2016) The Impact Of Economic Crisis On Tourism Industry: A Bangladesh Perspective. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research, 2(1), 28-46 Haque,M.Z. & Mia, M.A.H (2014).Corporate Governance Notification Compliance (CGNC) of Islamic Shariah Based Banks (ISBBs) and Conventional Banks Having Islamic Windows (CBHIWs)- A case of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of MIS, 7(1),77-95 Haque, M.Z.(2014) Corporate Governance Compliance of Islamic Shariah Based Banks(ISBBs) in Bangladesh. The Cost & Management, XLII (3),4-18 Kashem,M.A & Haque,M,Z.(2014) Usage level and Attitude of The Secondary Level Teachers’ in Bangladesh Toward Information Communication Technology (ICT) at Personal and Professional Arena. Bangladesh Journal of MIS, 6 (2), 4-18 Hossain, M.A. & Haque, M.Z (2014).Prospects and challenges of Mobile banking in Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, XXXV(2),165-186 Hasan, M.M., Haque, M.Z & Hasan, M.M.(2014) Measuring Brand Value Using Marketing Profitability: A Study of Islamic Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. The Cost & Management, XLII (5),26-37 Mia, M.A.H & Haque, M.Z. (2013) Perception and Usage Level of ICT of the Primary School Teachers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of MIS, 6(1), 3-17 Hossain, M.A. & Haque, M.Z (2013) Perception and Usage level of Information Communication Technology (ICT) at personal and professional arena by Lawyers in Bangladesh. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, XXXIV(2),171-186. Bhuyian, M.B, Haque, M.Z & Hasan, M.K. (2012), Prospective Strategies for ICT Use in Tourism Sector of Bangladesh. Journal of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh. XL (6), 37-43. Haque, M.Z., Karim, M.R.& Islam,M.S.H.(2012),Current Status and Strategies of Electronic Waste Management in Bangladesh. International Journal of Marketing and Technology. 2, (2), 1-24. Haque, M.Z, Khan, M.S.A. and Karim,M.R. (2012). E-Satisfaction of Online News reader in Bangladesh. Journal of Dhaka International University. 4, (1), 229-239. Conference Proceedings Hossain, M,A., Haque. M,Z. and Hasan, M.M. (2015) “ Factors Affecting the Internet Modem Purchase Decision of Customers in Bangladesh”, Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference 2015, University of Western Sydney Campbelltown, Australia, 17-19 April, 2015 Haque,M.Z. and Mia,M.A.H (2016) “Corporate Governance Notification Compliance (CGNC) of Islamic Shariah Based Banks (ISBBs) and Conventional Banks Having Islamic Windows (CBHIWs)- A case of Bangladesh”, Proceedings of International Conference on opportunities for Growth in Trade, Commerce and Business management in Afro- Asian Countries 2016,M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College ,India, 4-5 March,2016 |
Experiences and Activities
Administritive Experience: Position : Chairman Department : Management Information Systems (MIS) Institution : Noakhali Science and Technology University Position : Student Advisor School : Departmnet of Business Administration Institution : East West University Position : Student Advisor School : School of Business Institution : Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Employment:
Position : Associate Professor Department : Management Information Systems (MIS) Institution : Noakhali Science and Technology University Position : Assistant Professor Department : Management Information Systems (MIS) Institution : Noakhali Science and Technology University Position : Assistant Professor Institution : School of Busines, Primeasia University Position : Senior Lecturer Institution : Department of Business Administration, East West University Position : Lecturer Institution : Department of Business Administration, East West University Position : Lecturer Institution : School of Busines, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Position : Lecturer Institution : Department of Business Administration, Prime University Adjunct Faculty