Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Agriculture

Academic Profile of Dr. Mehede Hassan Rubel

Dr. Mehede Hassan Rubel

About Dr. Mehede Hassan Rubel

Dr. Mehede Hassan Rubel obtained his PhD degree in Biotechnology from Sunchon National University in South Korea. He is currently working as a Associate Professor of Agriculture Department, Noakhali Science and Technology University. I completed BS in Agriculture and MS in Genetics & Plant Breeding from Bangladesh Agricultural University. His research aims to develop crop varieties for challenging growing environments of Bangladesh by using modern breeding tools. His research also focuses selecting resistant varieties of different crops for stress (biotic & abiotic) conditions.


  1.  M. Abuyusuf, M. H. Rubel; H. T. Kim, H. J. Jung, I. S. Nou & J. I. Park. 2022 Glucosinolates and biotic stress tolerance in Brassicaceae with emphasis on cabbage: A review. Pyhtochemistry (IF: 4.0) (Submitted).
  2.  AA Sumi, PK Jhan, M.H. Rubel, R Ahmed. 2022. Effect of medicinal plant extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of three cucurbitaceous crops. Asian journal of Plant Sciences (IF: 0.87) (Accepted).
  3. M. H. Rubel, Jesse, D. M. I., Nath, U. K., Jeong, J-H., Kim, H-T., Park, J-I. & Nou, I-S. 2021. Development of molecular markers for specific detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. incanae. Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 9(4):287-297 (SJR:0.25) (SJR:0.312).
  4. M. A. Adnan, S. A. Raffi, M. H. Rubel , M. M. A. Noor. S. Razia and M. A. Haque. 2021. Genetic Analyses and Molecular Detection of bc-3 Gene Conferring Resistance to Bean Common Mosaic Virus in Lablab Genotypes. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 53 (1) 57-69 (IF: 0.77).
  5. M.M. Islam, A. Shila, P.K. Jhan, M.H. Rubel, K. Hossen, M.M.B. Fahim, R. Ahmed. 2021. Appraisement of salinity stress on germination and seedling development of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Tropical Agroecosystems, 2(1), 52-56 (SJR:0.25) .
  6. Rubel, M. H., Abuyusuf, M., Nath, U. K., Robin, A. H. K., Jeong, J-H., Kim, H-T., Park, J-I. & Nou, I-S. 2020. Glucosinolate Profile and Glucosinolate Biosynthesis and Breakdown Gene Expression Manifested by Black Rot Disease Infection in Cabbage. Plants, 9(9), 1121 (IF: 3.9).
  7. K. S. Afrin, M. A. Rahim, M. H. Rubel, J. I. Park, H. J. Jung, H. T. Kim, & I. S. Nou. 2020. Development of PCR-based molecular marker for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris race 6, the causative agent of black rot in brassicas. The Plant Pathology Journal, 36(5):418-427 (IF: 1.79).
  8. Rubel, M. H., Natarajan, S., Nath, U. K., Denison, M. I. J., Hee-Jeong, J., Hoy-Taek, K., & Ill-Sup, N. 2019. Development of a marker for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris races 1 and 2 in Brassica oleracea. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 60(4), 511-517 (IF: 1.58).
  9. Rubel, M. H., Natarajan, S., Hossain, M. R., Nath, U. K., Afrin, K. S., Lee, J. H., & Nou, I. S. 2019. Pathovar specific molecular detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the causal agent of black rot disease in cabbage. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-11 (IF: 1.23).
  10. Rubel, M. H., Hossain, M. R., Nath, U. K., Natarajan, S., Lee, J. H., Jung, H. J., & Nou, I. S. 2019. Development of a PCR test for detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani. Australasian Plant Pathology, 48(2), 179-182 (IF: 1.59).
  11. Afrin, K. S., Rahim, M. A., Rubel, M. H., Natarajan, S., Song, J. Y., Kim, H. T., & Nou, I. S. 2018. Development of race-specific molecular marker for Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris race 3, the causal agent of black rot of crucifers. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 98 (5), 1119-1125 (IF: 0.85).
  12. Afrin, K. S., Rahim, M. A., Park, J. I., Natarajan, S., Rubel, M. H., Kim, H. T., & Nou, I. S. 2018. Screening of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) germplasm for resistance to black rot. Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 6(1), 30-43.
  13. Rubel, M. H., Robin, A., Natarajan, S., Vicente, J., Kim, H. T., Park, J. I., & Nou, I. S. 2017. Whole-genome re-alignment facilitates development of specific molecular markers for races 1 and 4 of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the cause of black rot disease in Brassica oleracea. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(12), 2523 (IF: 5.92).
  14. M. H. Rubel, L. Hassan, M. M. Islam, A. H. K. Robin & M. J. Alam. 2014. Evaluation of rice genotypes under salt stress at the seedling and reproductive stages using phenotypic and molecular markers. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 46(2): 423-432 (IF: 0.96).
  15. T. H. Khan, F. Z. Evamoni, M. H. Rubel, K. M. Nasiruddin & M. Rahman. 2015. Screening of BLB Resistance Rice Varieties Using SSR Markers. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 03 (01):45-58.
  16. M. J. Alam, L. Hassan, U. K. Nath, M. A. Imran & M. H. Rubel. 2012. In Vitro Regeneration of high yielding indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources, 5(1): 173-177.
  17. M. A. Hossain, M. H. Rubel, K. M. Nasiruddin and F. Z. Evamoni. 2016. Influence of BAP and NAA on in vitro plantlet regeneration of local and exotic banana cultivars. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 06 (02): 553-564.
  18. F. Z. Evamoni, M. H. Rubel & M. A. Hossain. 2014. Genetic Variation and Relatedness for Resistance in BRRI Rice using RAPD Markers. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 8(1): 93-106.
  19. M. H. Rubel, F. B. Boby, A. B. Siddique, K. Hossen & M. S. Sultana. 2014. Effect of Mulching on the Seed Production of Onion. Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 10(11): 08-14.
  20. K. Hossain, M. S. U. Bhuiya, M. Begum, N. J. Alam & M. H. Rubel. 2011. Intercropping of Sesbania rostrata with T. Aman Rice and their Economic Performance. Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science & Technology, 15(1): 165-172.
  21. Islam M R, Karim M S, Siddique A B, Rubel M H & Rahman M T. 2014. Yield Maximization of Aman Rice (cv. BRRI dhan49) through Integrated Use of Manures and Fertilizer. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 12(1): 055-058.
  22. N. Ahmed, M. A. Ali, N. A. Baten, M. J. Alam & M. H. Rubel. 2011. Tillage Operation and Water Management Practices on Methane Emission and Rice Productivity. Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science & Technology, 15(1 & 2): 159-164.

Experiences and Activities

PhD Research Work

Development of molecular markers for pathovars and races of Xanthomonas campestris and profiling glucosinolate biosynthetic gene expressions modulated by black rot in cabbage

MS Research Work

Evaluation of rice lines under salt stress at the seedling and reproductive stages using phenotypic and molecular markers

MS Research Award

National Science, Information and Communication Technology (NSICT) Fellowship (2011-2012) for MS research funded by Ministry of Science and Technology

Language Skills

Bengali: Fluent in reading, writing and speaking.

English: Fluent in reading, writing and speaking.

Korean: Simply reading, writing and speaking.

Training and Certificates received


Three week long "Advanced course on Communicative English” completed from Department of Languages, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

Successfully completed 33 days (from 08/03/2014 to 09/04/2014) “Foundation training for University Teachers” at Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

Successfully completed sevn days “Project Cycle Management on Sustainable Climate Smart Agriculture for Govt. Officials” at Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

Computer Skils


Successfully completed training course on “Basics of MS office” (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power Point) from GTI (Graduate Training Institute) of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

Successfully completed training course on “Statistica Package: Mstatc, PLABSTAT, BASICA and STATGRAPHICS Plus” from department of Genetics and plant breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

Successfully completed the online training course on “Statistical Package for Postgraduates in Agriculture” held at Bangladesh Agricultural University during 18-24 April 2021

Administrative Responsibility

Chairman of Agriculture Department: From 28 July - 10 February 2016

Course Co-ordinator: From May 2013 - July 2016

Assistant Proctor: From May 2014 - February 2016

Assistant Provost of Absus Salam Hall: From October 2019 - 01 March 2021

Provost of Abdul Malek Ukil Hall: 02 March 2021 - onward

Area of Specializatin and Research Interests


Plant Breeding, Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture, Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Gene Expression Profiling etc.

Courses Taught at Undergraduate






Seminar/Workshop/Conference attended






Previous Project conducting experience

AG 4205:Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

AG 4206:Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

AG 2101:Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

AG 2102:Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

AG 4107:Diseases of Fruits, Vegetables, Cash Crops, Agro forestry Trees and Seed Pathology


Presented a research article entitled “Development of a PCR test for Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani causing Leaf Spot Disease of Brassicas” in Annual Autumn Conference of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science, held in South Korea on 19 October 2018

Took part in the International Conference on “Wild Fruits Scenery of Bangladesh” in South Korea on 16 December 2017

Took part in winter Conference on “Development of molecular markers for pathovars and races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causing black rot disease in cabbage’ arranged by Golden Seed Project (GSP) (winter 2017 and Spring 2018)

Principal investigator on the project entitled “Exotic tomato germplasm collection, evaluation and suitable variety selection for ensuring food and nutritional security in the southern region of Bangladesh” funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh during 2020-2021.

Principal investigator on the project entitled “Exotic Melon Germplasm Collection, Evaluation and Selection of Suitable Melon Genotype for Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security in Bangladesh” funded by NSTU Research Cell during 2020-2021.

Principal investigator on the project entitled ‘Phenotypic evaluation of some botanical plant extracts for their antimicrobial activity against black rot pathogen (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris)funded by NSTU Research Cell during 2019-2020.

Principal investigator on the project entitled “Assessment of Melon Germplasms for Identification of Salt Tolerant Genotypes for Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security in the Coastal Regions of Bangladesh” funded by NSTU Research Cell during 2021-2022.

Principal investigator on the project entitled “Assessment of Exotic Watermelon (Citrullus sp.) Genotypes by morphological and biochemical traits for Selecting a suitable genotype/s for Crop Improvement Program in Bangladesh” funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh during 202-2022.