Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of Dr. Mohammad Belal Hossain

Dr. Mohammad Belal Hossain

About Dr. Mohammad Belal Hossain


Total publications: 93  Google Scholar: H index: 17 ,  Total citations: 988


  1. Hossain, M. B., Marshall, D. J., & Hall-Spencer, J. M. (2019). Epibenthic community variation along an acidified tropical estuarine system. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 100888.
  2. Ahmed, A. S., Sultana, S., Habib, A., Ullah, H., Musa, N., Hossain, M. B., ... & Sarker, M. S. I. (2019). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some commercially important fishes from a tropical river estuary suggests higher potential health risk in children than adults. PloS one, 14(10), e0219336.
  3. Rahman, M. S., Hossain, M. B., Babu, S. O. F., Rahman, M., Ahmed, A. S., Jolly, Y. N., & Akter, S. (2019). Source of metal contamination in sediment, their ecological risk, and phytoremediation ability of the studied mangrove plants in ship breaking area, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 137-146.
  4. Hossain, M. B., Shanta, T. B., Ahmed, A. S., Hossain, M. K., & Semme, S. A. (2019). Baseline study of heavy metal contamination in the Sangu River estuary, Chattogram, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140, 255-261.
  5. Hossain, M. B. (2019). Trophic functioning of macrobenthic fauna in a tropical acidified Bornean estuary (Southeast Asia). International Journal of Sediment Research, 34(1), 48-57.
  6. Hossain, M. B., Ahmed, A. S. S., & Sarker, M. S. I. (2018). Human health risks of Hg, As, Mn, and Cr through consumption of fish, Ticto barb (Puntius ticto) from a tropical river, Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(31), 31727-31736.
  7. Noman, M. A., Mamunur, R., Islam, M. S., & Hossain, M. B. (2018). Spatial and seasonal distribution of Intertidal Macrobenthos with their biomass and functional feeding guilds in the Naf River estuary, Bangladesh. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 1-14.
  8. Islam, M. S., Hossain, M. B., Matin, A., & Sarker, M. S. I. (2018). Assessment of heavy metal pollution, distribution and source apportionment in the sediment from Feni River estuary, Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 202, 25-32.
  9. Pešić, V., Hossain, M. B., Chatterjee, T., Islam, M. S., & Zawal, A. (2018). First records of water mites from Bangladesh (Acari, Hydrachnidia) with the description of two new species. Systematic and Applied Acarology, 23(5), 868-882.
  10. Islam, M. R., Das, N. G., Barua, P., Hossain, M. B., Venkatramanan, S., & Chung, S. Y. (2017). Environmental assessment of water and soil contamination in Rajakhali Canal of Karnaphuli River (Bangladesh) impacted by anthropogenic influences: a preliminary case study. Applied Water Science, 7(2), 997-1010.
  11. Bhuyan, M. S., Bakar, M. A., Akhtar, A., Hossain, M. B., Ali, M. M., & Islam, M. S. (2017). Heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediment of the Meghna River, Bangladesh. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 8, 273-279.
  12. Hossain, M. B., & Rahman, M. (2017). Ocean Acidification: an impending disaster to benthic shelled invertebrates and ecosystem. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU), 1(1), 19-30.
  13. Hossain, M.B. & Hutchings, P. 2016. Nephtys bangladeshi n. sp., a new species of Nephtyidae (Annelida: Phyllodocida) from Bangladesh coastal waters, Zootaxa, 4079 (1): 041–052.
  14. Hossain, M. B. & Lauren, H. 2016. New species Victoriopisa bruneiensis and Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) from Brunei (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda). Zootaxa, 4117 (3), 375-386.
  15. Chowdhury, M. M. H., Kubra, K., Hossain, M. B., Mustafa, M. G., Jainab, T., Karim, M. R., & Mehedy, M. E. (2015). Screening of antibacterial and antifungal activity of freshwater and marine algae as a prominent natural antibiotic available in Bangladesh. International Journal of Pharmacology, 11(7), 828-833.
  16. Bhowmik, S., Islam, S., Ahmed, M. M., Hossain, M. B., & Hossain, M. A. (2015). Protease Producing Bacteria and Activity in Gut of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 10(6), 489.
  17. Hossain, M.B. Marshall, D.J. 2014. Benthic infaunal community structuring in an acidified tropical estuarine system, Aquatic Biosystems, 10:11.
  18. Hossain, M.B., Marshall, D. J., Senapathi V. 2014. Sediment granulometry and organic matter content in the intertidal zone of the Sungai Brunei estuarine system, northwest coast of Borneo. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 9 (2), 231 – 239.
  19. Hossain, M.B., Dev Roy, M.K., Lee, B.Y. 2014. First Record of the Brachyuran Crab, Baruna trigranulum Dai and Song, 1986 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Camptandriidae) from Sungai Brunei Estuary, Brunei Darussalam. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 8(3), 93-97.
  20. Hossain, M.B., Bamber, R.N. 2013. New record of a wood-boring isopod, Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea: Sphaeromatidae) from Sungai Brunei estuary, Brunei Darussalam. Marine Biodiversity Records, (Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK), 6, e18.
  21. Hossain, M.B., Amin, S.M.N., Asadujjaman, M., Sharmeen R. 2013. Analyses of macrobenthos of Hatiya and Nijhum Dweep islands at higher taxonomic resolution. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 8 (4): 526-534.
  22. Islam, M.S., Sikder, M.N.A., Al-Imran, M., Hossain, M.B., Mallick, D., Morshed, M.M. 2013. Intertidal macrobenthic fauna of the Karnafuli estuary: Relations with Environmental Variables. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21(9):1366-1373.
  23. Rahman, M., Hossain, Y., Hossain, I., Provhat, S. J., Islam, M. S., & Hossain, M.B. 2013. Induced Breeding of the Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis: Comparison among Different Inducing Agents. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13, 532-537.
  24. Asadujjaman, M., Wahab, M.A., Fatima, M.K., Hossain, M. B., & Azam, A.K.M.S. 2013. Effects of stocking density on growth performance and production of Mola, Amblypharyngodon mola. Sains Malaysiana, 42(9), 1231-1235.
  25. Hassan, M.N., M. Rahman, M.B. Hossain, M.M. Hossain, R. Mendes, A.A.K.M. Nowsad, 2013. Monitoring the presence of chloramphenicol and nitrofuran metabolites in cultured prawn, shrimp and feed in the Southwest coastal region of Bangladesh, The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 39 (1): 51-58.
  26. Minar, M. H., Hossain, M. B., & Shamsuddin, M. 2013. Climate Change and Coastal Zone of Bangladesh: Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptability. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 13(1), 114-120.
  27. Hassan, M. N., Rahman, M., Hossain, M. M., Nowsad, A. A. K. M., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Post-Harvest loss and shelf life of traditionally smoked shrimp products produced in Bangladesh. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences. 5(1), 14-19.
  28. Khan, M. R., Miah, M. I., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Fish Biodiversity and Livelihood Status of Fishing Community of Tista River, Bangladesh. Global Veterinaria. 10:417-423.
  29. Rahman, S., M., Mamun, A. A., Rahman, M., Hossain, M. B., Minar, M. H., & Maheen, N. J. 2013. Illegal marketing of freshwater turtles and tortoises in different markets of Bangladesh. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 8(1), 15-23.
  30. Roy, M., Salam, M. A., Hossain, M. B., & Shamsuddin, M. 2013. Feasibility study of aquaponics in polyculture pond. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(5), 588-592.
  31. Mondal, S., Rahman, M. M., Saha, D., Adhikary, R. K., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Present status of Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) in shrimp farms of south-western coastal area, Bangladesh. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 14(6), 873-878.
  32. Sarower-E-Mahfuj, M., M. B. Hossain, M. M. Rahman and M. I. Hoshan, 2014. Chromosomal studies and quantitative karyotypic analysis of Rohu, Labeo rohita. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17: 490-496.
  33. Aktar, N., M. R. Islam, M. B. Hossain, & Rahman, M. 2013. Fish species availability and marketing system of fish in different markets of Noakhali District in Bangladesh. World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(5), 616-624.
  34. Salam, M. A., Sultana, S., Hossain, M. B., & Asadujjaman, M. 2013. Factors affecting seasonal performance of angling in Mymensingh region of Bangladesh. Trends in Fisheries Research, 2(1):9-13.
  35.  Siddique, A. B., Saha, D., Rahman, M., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Fishing gears of the Meghna River Estuary of Chandpur region, Bangladesh. Trends in Fisheries Research, 2(1):1-6.
  36. Pravakar, P., B.S. Sarker, M. Rahman, Hossain, M. B. 2013. Present status of fish farming and livelihood of fish farmers in Shahrasti Upazila of Chandpur District, Bangladesh. American Euroasian Journal of Agri. and Env. Sciences. 13(3):391-397.
  37. Ahmed, G.U., N. Sultana, M. Shamsuddin and Hossain, M. B. 2013. Growth and production performance of monosex Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with homemade feed in earthen mini ponds. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 16: 1781-1785.
  38. Rahman,M., S. Khatun, M.B. Hossain, M.N. Hassan and A.A.K.M. Nowsad, 2013. Present scenario of landing and distribution of fish in Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 16: 1488-1495.
  39. Patwary, Y.A., B.S. Sarker, M. B. Hossain, M.H. Minar and Shamsuddin, M. 2013. Study of mechanical effects on the quality of fish feed during different stages of manufacturing. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 16: 865-870.
  40. Hossain, M. B., Rahman, M. M., Sarwer, M. G., Ali, M. Y., Ahamed, F., Rahman, S., & Hossain, M. Y. 2013. Comparative study of carp pituitary gland (PG) extract and synthetic hormone ovaprim used in the induced breeding of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae). Our Nature, 10(1), 89-95.
  41. Ahmed, S., A.F.M. Arifur Rahman and Hossain, M.B. 2013. Phytoplankton biodiversity in seasonal waterlogged paddy fields, Bangladesh. Ecologia, 3: 1-8.
  42. Khatun, S., Adhikary, R. K., Rahman, M., Sikder, M. N. A., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Socioeconomic status of pond fish farmers of charbata, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Int. J. Life Sc. Bt & Pharm. Res. 2(1): 356-365.
  43. Islam, M. S., Islam, M. S., Hossain, M. M., Sikder, M. N. A., Morshed, M. M., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Acute toxicity of the mixtures of grease and engine wash oil on fish, Pangasius sutchi under laboratory condition, Int. J. Life Sc. Bt & Pharm. Res 2(1).
  44. Begum, M., Minar, M. H., Farid, F. B., Nahid, M. N., Akter, T., & Hossain, M. B. 2013. Quality assessment of salted chapila (Gudusia chapra), Kachki (Corica soborna), Kajoli (Ailiichthys punctata) and Tin Kanta (Clupisoma psendeutropius atherinoides) in laboratory condition. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 15(10), 1363-1367.
  45.  Islam, M.R and Hossain, M.B. 2012. Genetic variation of three populations of Indian Frog (Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) revealed by allozyme marker. International Journal of Zoological Research, 8: 150-156.
  46. Ahmed, G.U., T. Khatun, M. B. Hossain and Shamsuddin, M. 2012. Health condition of a farmed Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in earthen ponds, Northern Bangladesh. Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 287-293.
  47. Sarower-E-Mahfuj, M., M. B. Hossain and Minar, M.H. 2012. Biochemical composition of an endangered fish, Labeo bata (Hamilton, 1822) from Bangladesh Waters. American Journal of Food Technology, 7: 633-641.
  48. Hossain, M.B, S.M.N. Amin, M. Shamsuddin and Minar, M.H. 2012. Use of aqua-chemicals in the hatcheries and fish farms of Greater Noakhali, Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 401-408.
  49. Ahmed, S., Rahman, A. A., Mustafa, M. G., Hossain, M. B., & Nahar, N. 2012. Nutrient composition of indigenous and exotic fishes of rainfed waterlogged paddy fields in Lakshmipur, Bangladesh. World Journal of Zoology,7(2), 135-140.
  50. Islam, M. R., Sultana, N., Hossain, M. B., & Mondal, S. 2012. Estimation of fecundity and Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) of Gangetic Whiting, Sillaginopsis panijus (Hamilton, 1822) from the Meghna river estuary, Bangladesh. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(10), 1253-1260.
  51. Al Mahmud, M.R. Hasan, M. B. Hossain, Minar. M. H. 2012. Proximate composition of fish feed ingredients available in Lakshmipur region, Bangladesh. American-Euroasian J. Agr. Env. Sci. 12(5):556-560.
  52. Asadujjaman, M., M.B. Hossain, M. Shamsuddin, M. A. Amin, Azam, A. K. M. 2012. Occurrence and abundance of macrobenthos of Hatiya and Nijhum Dweep islands, Bangladesh. Middle-east J. Sci. Res. 04/2012; 11(2):184-188.
  53. Kabir, K.M.R, R.K Adhikary, M. B. Hossain and M.H Minar, 2012. Livelihood status of fishermen of the old Brahmaputra river, Bangladesh, World Appl. Sci. J. 16 (6): 869-873.
  54. Ali, M.Y, M. B. Hossain and M. Shamsuddin 2012. Microbiological status in a fully export-oriented shrimp processing plant, World Appl. Sci. J. 16 (7): 903-906.
  55. Shamsuddin, M., M.B. Hossain, M. M. Rahman, M. Asadujjaman, Ali. M. Y. 2012. Performance of Monosex Fry Production of two Nile Tilapia Strains: GIFT and NEW GIPU. World J. Fish and Mar. Sci. 4(1):68-72.
  56. Azim, M.A., M.R. Islam, M. B. Hossain, Minar, M.H. 2012. Seasonal variations in the proximate composition of Gangetic Sillago, Sillaginopsis panijus (Perciformes: Sillaginidae). Middle-East J. Sci. Res. 11(5):559-562.
  57. Chowdhury, A.K.J., D. Saha, M B. Hossain, M. Shamsuddin, Minar, M.H. 2012. Chemicals used in freshwater aquaculture with special emphasis to fish health management of Noakhali, Bangladesh. African journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 4:110-114.
  58. Amin, M A, M. R. Islam, Hossain, M. B. 2012. Marketing Channel of Dried Marine Fish in the Southeastern Coastal Belt of Bangladesh. Middle-East Journal of Scientific research, 12(3):301-306.
  59. Khan, N.S., M R Islam, M. B. Hossain, M. A. Quaiyum, M. Shamsuddin, Karmaker, J.K. 2012. Comparative analysis of microbial status of raw and frozen freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Middle -east journal of Scientific Research, 12(7):1026-1030.
  60. Akter, H. M R Islam, Hossain, M.B. 2012. Fecundity and Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) of Corsula, Rhinomugil corsula Hamilton, 1822 (Family: Mugilidae) from the Lower Meghna River Estuary, Bangladesh. Global Veterinaria. 9(2):129-132.
  61. Hassan, M N, M. Rahman, M. M .Hossain, A A K M Nowsad, Hossain, M. B. 2012. Post-Harvest Handling and Marketing of Shrimp and Prawn in South-Western Region of Bangladesh. World Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science. 11/2012; 4(6):651-656.
  62. Ferdose, A and Hossain, M.B. 2011. Nutritional value of wild, cultured and frozen prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879), Int. J. of Nat. Sci. 1(2):52-55.
  63. Hossain, M.B. and M. Mostafa. 2010. Has the development of EEZ achieved its aims? Khulna University studies, 10(1-10):217-222.
  64. Hossain, M.B. and Hossain, M.M. 2009. A preliminary study on intertidal macrobenthos of Chittagong Coast in Bangladesh. Int. J. Ani. Fish. Sci. 2(2): 170-175.
  65. Hossain, M.B. and Das N.G. Sharmeen, R. 2009. Seasonal and spatial distribution of macrozoobenthos of the Meghna river estuarine bed, Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 5(3): 11-16.
  66. Islam R. and Hossain, M.B., Das, N.G., Rafi, R.N. 2009. Food and feeding behaviour of grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L. of Bangladesh coastal waters, Banglaseh. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech 7(2): 273-74.
  67. Hossain, M.B. 2009. Polychaete faunal biodiversity of the Meghna river estuarine bed, Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 7(2): 275-78.
  68. Sharmeen,R., M.A.S. Jewel and Hossain M.B. 2009. Cyanobacterial abundance and bloom dynamics in two urban waste fed fish pond of Bangladesh, J. Subtrop. Ag. Res. & Dev. 7(3): 645-652.
  69. Sharmeen, R. and M. B. Hossain. 2009. Present status of culture management and production status in various leased out fish ponds of Rajshahi City Corporation. Intl. J. BioRes. 6(6):53-60.





1. Hossain M.B., Marshall, D.J. 2014. Macro-epifuanal community dynamics in a tropical estuary: Effects of salinity and acidification, July 21-23, 2014. Las Vegas, USA.

2. Hossain, M.B., Marshall, D.J. 2014. Community dynamics of infaunal invertebrates in a tropical acidified estuary, Page 23The 43rd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida on the campus of the University of North Florida from March 19-22, 2014.

http://www.oyster-restoration.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/BEMPoster Abstracts.pdf


3. Hossain, M.B., Marshall D. J. 2012. ESTUARINE ACIDIFICATION: Causes, Ecological Consequences and Lessons for Oceanic Acidification. Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, September, 2012, Monterey, Californea, USA. P. 61. http://www.highco2-iii.org/ main. cfm?cid=2259


4. Hossain, M.B., Rahman, S. 2012. Anthropogenic CO2 and Marine Invertebrates. South Asian Regional Conference on Natural Resources Conservation in Developing Countries Under the Changing Climate. 28-29 February, 2012. Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.


5. Sharmeen R, Hossain, M.B., Bhuiyan, A.S. 2010. The Toxic Cyanophyceae Planktothrix abundance and seasonal dynamics in two urban waste feed ponds of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Fisheries Reseach Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


6. Hossain, M.B., Hossain, M.M. 2010. A preliminary study on intertidal macrobenthos of Chittagong Coast, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh.



1. Fourth International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, May, 2016, Tasmania, Australia.

2. Spatial Ecology, Geospatial Analysis, and Remote Sensing for Conservation, September, 2016- October, 2016, George Mason University, Washington, USA.

3. Workshop on the Development of an Integrative Ocean Research Network, 4-5 December 2016, Kiel, Germany.

4. Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, September, 2012, Monterey, California, USA.

5. Species Identification, Data Analysis and Interpretation, April, 2010, University Hull, UK.


Experiences and Activities

Associate Professor (2015 to date).

Director (acting), Research Cell, NSTU 

Editor, Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU)