Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management

Academic Profile of Dr. Mohammed Abdus Salam

Dr. Mohammed Abdus Salam

About Dr. Mohammed Abdus Salam


Articles in Journal 

Year 2021

  1. S. A. Shahriar, I. Kayes, K. Hasan, M. Hasan, R. Islam, N. R. Awang, Z. Hamzah, A. E. Rak, M. A. Salam (2021). Potential of ARIMA-ANN, ARIMA-SVM, DT and CatBoost for Atmospheric PM2.5 Forecasting in Bangladesh. Atmosphere, 12(100). DOI: 10.3390/atmos12010100
  2. M. A. Salam, S. C. Paul, F. N. B. A. Rahman, M. A. Iqbal, S. A. Siddiqua, A. E. Rak, R. B. Ahmad, W. R. A. Kadir (2021). Trace Metals Concentration and Associated Risk Assessment in Sediment of Kelantan Coastline Area Estuaries, Malaysia. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 30(02). DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2020.1867503
  3.  Azzhar, M. A. Salam, S. O. S. Aisyah, M. Zamzani, A. E. Rak (2021). Ultimate Properties of Different Ratio of Mix Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia mangium Fuel Pellets. Psychology and Education, 57(9): 2426-2431. ISSN: 00333077


Year 2020

  1. M. A. Salam, S. C. Paul, R. A. M. M. Zain, S. Bhowmik, M. R. Nath, S. A. Siddiqua, T. D. Aka, M. A. Iqbal, W. R. Kadir, R. B. Ahamad, M. A. Khaleque, A. E. Rak, M. F. M. Amin (2020). Trace metals contamination potential and health risk assessment of commonly consumed fish of Perak River, Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 15(10), e0241320. Public Library of Science. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241320
  2. M. A. Salam, S. C. Paul, F. N. B. A. Rahman, M. A. Iqbal, S. A. Siddiqua, M. S. Khan, A. E. Rak, R. B. Ahmad, W. R. Kadir (2020). Baseline Study of Trace Metals Concentration and Associated Risk Assessment in Selected Estuaries Sediment of Kelantan Coastline Area, Malaysia. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal. Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2020.1867503. 
  3. S. A. Shahriar, I. Kayes, K. Hasan, M. Hasan, R. Islam, N. R. Awang, Z. Hamzah, A. E. Rak, M. A. Salam (2020). Potential of ARIMA-ANN, ARIMA-SVM, DT, and CatBoost for atmospheric PM2.5 prediction in Bangladesh. Atmosphere, 972212. MDPI.
  4. M. S. Sirrajudin, M. A. Salam, A. b. Ahmad, A. E. Rak, M. Mohamed (2020). Effect of Portions and Particle Sizes on Proximate Properties of Oil Palm Fronds. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 596, 012019. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/596/1/012019.
  5. A. E. Rak, A. Suganthi, A. Nivaarani, S. O. S. Aisyah, A M. R. Choo, M. A. Salam, Z. Hamzah (2020). Short Notes on Traditional Vegetables Consumed by Jahai Tribe in Klewang Village, Royal Belum State Park, Malaysia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 596, 012066. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/596/1/012066.
  6. M. F. Shamsuddin, M. F. M. Amin, S. A. S. Omar, M. S. M. Rasat, M. A. Salam (2020). Analysis of Water Stress Index (WSI) for District Surrounding Ulu Sat Forest Reserve, Kelantan, Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 549(1), 012015. IOP Publishing.
  7. S. C. Paul, S. Bhowmik, M. R. Nath, B. Miah, M. A. Islam, S. C. Dey, T. S. B. Monir, M. A. Salam (2020). Hydroxyapatite extraction from natural source: Application for adsorption of methylene blue. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 18(3-4), 62-69. WFL Publisher.
  8. S. A. Shahriar, I. Kayes, K. Hasan, M. A. Salam, S. Chowdury (2020). Applicability of machine learning in modeling of atmospheric particle pollution in Bangladesh. Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health, 13, 1247-1256. DOI: 10.1007/s11869-020-00878-8.
  9. S. C. Paul, S. Bhowmik, M. R. Nath, M. S. Islam, S. K. Paul, J. Neazi, T. S. B. Monir, S. Dewanjee, M. A. Salam (2020). Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis in a Green Approach: Size Dependent Catalytic Degradation of Cationic and Anionic Dyes. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 36 (3), 353-360. DOI: 10.13005/ojc/360301.
  10. M. F. M. Amin, K. Muda, M. S. M. Rasat, M. A. Salam, M. A. M.  Mohd (2020). Potential of Natural-Based Polymers for Particle and Humic Acid Removal from Wastewater. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3428-3435.
  11. R. Ravi, I. H. Ishak, M. F. M. Amin, M. S. M. Rasat, M. A. Salam, M. A. M. Amin (2020). Nano-Synthesized Silver Particles and Azolla Pinnata Extract Larvicidal Effects against Aedes Aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3420-3427.
  12. S. N. A. M. Nasir, N. Yusof, M. A. Salam, A. E. Rak (2020). Comparison of the Nutritional Values in Fresh and Smoked Corbiculafluminea (Etak) Tissue via Traditional Smoking Process. TEST Engineering and Management, 85, 11786-11791. ISSN: 0193-4120.
  13. N. Mitra, S. A. Shahriar, N. Lovely, M. S. Khan, A. E. Rak, S.P. Kar, M.A. Khaleque, M. F. M. Amin, I. Kayes, M. A. Salam (2020). Assessing Energy-Based CO2 Emission and Workers’ Health Risks at the Shipbreaking Industries in Bangladesh. Environments, 7. DOI: 35. 10.3390/environments7050035.
  14. S. Ahmed, I. Kayes, S. A. Shahriar, M. M. Kabir, M. A. Salam, S. A. Mukul (2020). Soil salinity and nutrients pattern along a distance gradient in coastal region. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 6(1), 59-72. DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2020.01.05.
  15. Y. Miah, M. Z. U. Kamal, M. A. Salam, M. S. Islam (2020). Impact of salinity intrusion on agriculture of Southwest Bangladesh- A review. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, Vol. 8 (2), 40-47. DOI: 10.15739/IJAPR.20.005.
  16. A. E. Rak, N. Inani, R. A. Muchtar, M. A. Salam, S. Aisyah, A. A. Liyana, M. Mazlan (2020). Determination of Selected Heavy Metal Contents in Fresh and Smoked Corbicula Fluminea (Muller, 1774) Collected from Hawkers in the District of Tumpat, Kelantan, Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3463-3471.
  17. A. E. Rak, A.B. A. Muchtar, M. A. Salam, S. S. O. Aisyah, A. Appalasamy, M. Mazlan (2020). The Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Squirrels Repellent: The Case of Coconut Farmer in Tumpat, Kelantan, Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3502-3508. 


Year 2019

  1. M. A. Salam, S. C. Paul, F. I. Shaari, A. E. Rak, R. B. Ahmad, W. R. Kadir (2019). Geostatistical Distribution and Contamination Status of Heavy Metals in the Sediment of Perak River, Malaysia. Hydrology, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 30, DOI: 10.3390/hydrology6020030.
  2. M. A. Salam, M. M. Kabir, L. F. Yee, A. A/l Eh Rak, M.S. Khan (2019). Water Quality Assessment of Perak River, Malaysia. Pollution, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 637–648, DOI: 10.22059/poll.2019.274543.570 ISSN: 2383-451X. 
  3. S. I. Sohel, M. A. Salam, J. Herbohn (2019). An Assessment of Woody Plant Water Source Studies from across the Globe: What Do We Know after 30 Years of Research and Where Do We Go from Here? Hydrology, 6, 40; DOI: 10.3390/hydrology6020040.
  4. M. A. Salam, S. Khan, A. H. Sarker (2019). Impacts and coping techniques to flood: the case study of two adjacent Char lands and of Jamuna River in Sirajgonj District, Bangladesh. International Research Journal of environmental sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 53–61, ISSN 2319–1414. 
  5. M. A. Salam, S.C. Paul, S.N.B.M. Noor, S.A. Siddiqua, T.D. Aka, R. Wahab, A. E. Rak (2019). Contamination profile of heavy metals in marine fish and shellfish. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 225–236, DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.02.08.
  6. I. Kayes, S. A. Shahriar, K. Hasan, M. Akhter, M. M. Kabir, M. A. Salam (2019). The relationships between meteorological parameters and air pollutants in an urban environment. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage, 5(3): 265278. DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.03.01. 
  7. M. A. Salam, S. Fazlin, B. Othman, S. Khan, M. M. Kabir, R. A. Bashundhra (2019). Assessment of Water Quality and Sedimentary Nutrient Status of Tumpat Mangrove Swamp Forest at Kelantan Delta, Malaysia. Borneo Journal of Sciences and Technology, Volume (1), Issue (1), Pages: 21-28. ISSN: 2672-7439. 
  8. M. Alam, S. Khan, I. Kayes, M. A. Salam (2019). Domestic Biomass Fuel Consumption Pattern in Northern Part of Bangladesh. Borneo Journal of Sciences and Technology, 1(2), 78-85. DOI: 10.35370/bjost.2019.1.2.  
  9. S. R. Debi, S. Bhattacharjee, T. D. Aka, S. C. Paul, M. C. Roy, M. A. Salam, Md. S. Islam, A. R. Azady (2019). Soil quality of cultivated land in urban and rural area on the basis of both minimum data set and expert opinion. Int. J. Hum. Capital Urban Manage, 4(4): 247-258. DOI: 10.22034/IJHCUM.2019.04.01.


Year 2017

  1. R. Wahab, M. A. Salam, N. M. Fauzi, M.S. Mat Rasat, H. W. Sammi (2017). Influence of Basic Density in Determining the Maturity of Forest Planted Calamus Manan. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8(5), 204-2010. ISSN: 0975-8585.  
  2. M. S. M. Rasat, M. Yusoff, N. R. Awang, M. Jani, Z. A. Kadir, B. Selvam, M. Z. Sulaiman, M. A. Salam (2017). Investigation of relationship between particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and meteorological parameters at roadside area of first Penang Bridge. J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 5, 33-39. eISSN 2462-2389 
  3. Z. A. Kadir, M. Yusoff, N. R. Awang, M. Jani, M. S. M. Rasat, B. Selvam, M. Z. Sulaiman, M. A. Salam (2017). Identification of cation elements in PM10 concentration in industrial area of Penang. J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci, 5, 46-50. eISSN 2462-2389.


Year 2015

  1. R. Wahab, M. T. Mustafa, M. A. Salam, I. Khalid, M. S. M. Rasat, I. U. Bhat (2015). Comparison in the physical and strength properties of 3-year-old Gigantocholoabrang and G. scortechinii. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(4), 690-697. ISSN: 0975-8585.  
  2. R. Wahab, M. Sudin, I. Khalid, M. A. Salam, S. Rahman, H. W. Sammi (2015). Comparative distribution of chemicals in Treated Gigantochloa Scortechinii through soaking vacuum pressure and high-pressure sap displacement. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(1):6-10. ISSN: 2041-076X, e-ISSN: 2041-0778. 
  3. R. Wahab, M. A. Salam, A. Mohamad, H. W. Samsi, S. Rahman, M. S. M. Rasat, I. Khalid (2015). Evaluation on strength of chemically treated 2- and 4-years old bamboo Bambusa vulgaris through pressurized treatment. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(1), 1282-1288. ISSN: 0975-8585.


Year 2014

  1. R. wahab, O. Sulaiman, A. Mohamed, M. A. Salam, S. Rahman, M. S. M. Rasat, H. W. Samsi (2014). Mappings of chemicals distribution in preservatives treated tropical bamboo Gigantochloascortechinii. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 5(3), 1505-1513. ISSN: 0975-8585.  


Year 2013

  1. R. Wahab, M. A. Salam, O. Sulaiman, M. Sudin, H. W. Sami, M. S. M. Rasat (2013). Properties of Engineering Oil Palm Composite Boards from 32 Rear old Tree Stems. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 8(7). 541-545. ISSN 1990-6145
  2. M. A. Kader, M. K. Hossain, M. H. Kabir, M. A. Salam, S. Raham (2013). Environmental impacts and adaptive techniques to cyclones in an off shore coastal island of Nijhum Dweep in Bangladesh. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci, ISSN: 0975-8585.
  3. W. Razak, M. Tamizi, M. A. Salam, M, Sudin, H. W. Samsi, M. S. M. Rasat (2013). Chemical Composition of four Cultivated Tropical Bamboo in Genus Gigantochloa. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5 (8), 66-75. Canadian Center of Science and Education, ISSN 1916-9752, e-ISSN 1916-9760.
  4. M. K. Alam,N. Salahin, M. H. Rashid, M. A. Salam (2013). Effects of different tillage practices and cropping patterns on soil physical properties and crop productivity in an alternative puddle and unpuddle Soil. Journal of Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science, 1(1), 51-61.  
  5. M. A. Hossain, M. K. Hossain1, M. A. Salam, S. Rahman (2013). Composition and Diversity of Tree Species in Dudhpukuria-Dhopachori Wildlife Sanctuary of Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4(2), 1447-1457. ISSN: 0975-8585
  6. M. L. Hossain, S. R. Das, A. Rubaiyat, M. A. Salam, M. K. Uddin, M. K. Hossain (2013). Characteristics and Management of Institutional Solid Waste of Jamalkhan Ward, Chittagong, Bangladesh. International Journal of Research in Management, 2(3), 155-162. ISSN 2249-5908. 
  7. S. R. Das, M. L. Hossain, M. A. Salam, S. Talukder, M. Khanam, F.  Aktar, M. K. Hossain (2013). Generation and Assessing the Composition of Commercial Solid Waste in Commercial City of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Engineering, 2(5), 36-41. ISSN 2319-7757
  8. M. L. Hossain, M. A. Salam, A. Rubaiyat, M. K. Hossain (2013). Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth: Safe or Harm. International Journal of Research in Management, 2(3), 136-146. ISSN 2249-5908. 
  9. M. L. Hossain, M. A. Salam, S. R. Das, M. I. Hossain, S. K. N. Nahida, S. A. Mamun, S. Talukder, M. Khanam (2013). Lead content of enamel paints in leading paintcompanies in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 3(1), 48-53. E-ISSN: 2319-2402.


Year 2012

Article in Book   

  1. H. Jominit, S. Rahman, M. A. Rizal, M. M. A. Ali, M. A. Salam, S. Uga (2012). Published as Part of Book Paper titled “Parasite Zoonoses in Asia- Pacific Regions -2012” contributed to Comparative Bio-efficacy of Three Formulations of Pyrethrod Insecticides Aerosol Agains Lab-bred Culexquinquefasciastus. Edited by M. Tokoro and S. Uga. Published by SANKEISHA Co., Ltd. Aichi, Japan. First Edition.

Articles in Journal

  1. W. Razak, M. Tamizi, M. A. Salam., A.B. Tamer, S. Othman, S. Mahmud (2012). Potential and structural variation of some selected cultivated bamboo species in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Biology, 4(3), 102-116. ISSN1916-9671, E-ISSN 1916-968X. DOI: 10.5539.
  2. W. Razak, M. Tamizi, M. A. Salam., A.B. Tamer, S. Othman, S. Mahmud (2012). Relationship between physical, anatomical and strength properties of 3-year old cultivated tropical bamboo Gigantochloascortechinii. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 7(10), 782-790. ISSN 1990-6145.
  3. M. A. Salam (2012). Characterization of particulate matter bound perfluorinated compounds in urban residential area of Yokohama. Journal of Bio Entrepreneurship, 2(January), 7-14. ISSN 1231-8704.
  4. M. A. Salam, M. L. Hossain, S. R. Das, W. Razak, M. K. Hossain (2012). Generation and Assessing the Composition of Household Solid Waste in Commercial Capital City of Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Research, 1 (4), 160-171. 
  5. M. L. Hossain, M. K. Hossain, M. A. Salam, A. Rubaiyat (2012). Seasonal variation of soil salinity in Coastal areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Research, 1 (4), 160171. 


Year 2011

  1. M. A. Salam, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, S. Masunaga (2011). Particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric environment of urban and suburban residential area. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8 (2), 255-266.ISSN 1735-1472.


Year 2009

  1. M. A. Salam, M. S. Hossian, M. A. Haq, M. A. K. Parvez (2009). Deposition flux of per fluorinated Compounds in wet deposition samples in Yokohama. Journal of biological Science, 17, 7-12. ISSN 1023-8654.


Year 2006

  1. M. Jashimuddin, K. M. Masum, M. A. Salam (2006).  Preference and consumption pattern of biomass fuel in some disregarded villages of Bangladesh. Biomass & Bioenergy, 30, 446-451. DOI: 10.1016/j.biobioe.2005.11.023.


Paper Presented Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop 

Year 2020

  1. F. Siddike, A. K. M. A. Ullah, M. M. Hosen, M. M. Karim, M. A. B. Siddique, S. B. Quraishi, M. A. Salam (2020). Hydro-geochemical Characterization of ground water at Chandpur District. Paper presented in International Conference on Physics-2020. Organized by Bangladesh Physical Society at Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, held in 5-7th March, 2020 (Oral Presentation). 
  2. N. Sultana, S. A. Eti, M. A. Salam (2020). Quantification of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments: A case study on the Coastal District of Bhola, Bangladesh. Paper Presented in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2020). Organized by United International University (UIU), held in 18-19th February, 2020 (Oral Presentation).
  3. S. A. Shahriar, M. A. Salam (2020). A Framework regarding future research on climate change, drought and food security in Bangladesh. Paper Presented in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2020). Organized by United International University (UIU), held in 18-19th February, 2020 (Oral Presentation).
  4. M. F. Hasan, M. N. Alam, M. A. Salam (2020). Health Risk Assessment and Heavy Metals Pollution status of Surface Water in the Downstream of Karnaphuli River. Paper Presented in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2020). Organized by United International University (UIU), held in 18-19th February, 2020 (Oral Presentation).
  5. M. N. Alam, M. F. Hasan, M. A. Salam (2020). Ecological Risk Assessment and Heavy Metals Pollution status of Surface Sediments in the Downstream of Karnaphuli River. Paper Presented in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2020). Organized by United International University (UIU), held in 18-19th February, 2020 (Oral Presentation).
  6. M. N. Alam, M. F. Hasan, S. C. Paul, M. A. Salam (2020).  Ecological Risk Assessment and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediment of Upstream and Downstream in Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh. Poster presented in Symposium on “Research & Career Opportunities for Applied Chemistry & Chemistry Students-2020”. Organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University, held in 20th February, 2020 (Poster presentation).
  7. M. F. Hasan, M. N. Alam, S. Bhowmik, M. A. Salam (2020). Water Quality and Health Risk Assessment of Surface Water in Karnaphuli River. Poster presented in Symposium on “Research & Career Opportunities for Applied Chemistry & Chemistry Students-2020”.    Organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University, held in 20th February, 2020 (Poster presentation).


Year 2019

  1. N. Mitra, M. A. Salam, S. A. Shahriar, M. S. Khan, A. A. E. Rak (2019). Assessment of energy-based CO2 emission and its impact on scavengers from ship breaking yard activities in Sitakunda area, Bangladesh. Paper presented in 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Resource Management: Safe Environment for Better Living (ICESRM 2019). Organized by the Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, held in 8th February, 2019 (Oral Presentation). 
  2. M. Alam, M. A. Salam, M. S. Khan (2019). Assessment of biomass fuel consumption pattern in domestic uses at northern region of Bangladesh. Paper presented in 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Resource Management: Safe Environment for Better Living (ICESRM 2019). Organized by the Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, held in 8th February, 2019 (Oral Presentation).


Year 2015

  1. M. A. Salam, L. B. Young, W. R. A. Kadir, M. Jani, A. E. Rak (2015). Seasonal Effects and Distribution Pattern of Heavy Metals in Malacca River Basin. Paper presented in International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR-2015) at Langkawi, Malaysia, held in 3-4th November, 2015 (Oral Presentation).  


Year 2014

  1. M. A. Salam, S. A. Bakr, R. M. Gazi, M. Jani, A. E. Rak (2014). Comparative assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM10 at two urban areas in Malaysia. Presented in Workshop on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Change in Asia in 2014. Organized by University Kebangsaan Malaysia, held in 14-15th July, 2014 (Poster Presentation). 
  2. M. A. Salam, S. A. Fikri (2014). Distribution of Heavy metals in Langat River. Presented in Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science 2014 (CTReSS-2014). Jointly organized by UMK, UPM and UMS Malaysia at Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, held in 17-19th July, 2014 (Oral Presentation).  
  3. N. N. Aminuddin, S. F. M. Ramle, H. Jaafar, M. Mohamed, M. A. Salam (2014). Antioxidant activities and total phenolic content of Leucaenaleucocephala species. Presented in Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Science 2014 (CTReSS-2014). Jointly organized by UMK, UPM and UMS Malaysia at Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, held in 17-19th July, 2014 (Poster Presentation).  
  4. S. Rahman, Y. C. Ling, M. A. Rizal, M. A. Salam (2014). Knockdown and killing effect of household insecticide-aerosol spray against mosquito vector Aedesaegypti (Dispera:Culicidae). Paper presented in Japanese Society of Parasitology-The 70th National Conference of western Branch 2014, held in 18-19th October, 2014 (Oral Presentation).  
  5. M. A. Salam, S. F. Othman, R. Wahab, H. M. Noor, N. A. Amaluddin (2014). Sedimentary nutrient Status and water quality assessment of Tumpat Mangrove Swamp forest at Kelantan delta. Presented in the 5th International Seminar of Regional Network on Poverty Eradication. Hosted by Banking University of Ho Chi minh City, Vietnam, held in 22-24th October, 2014 (Oral Presentation).  


Year 2013

  1. M. A. Salam, T. K. Gueok, N. A. Mohamad, R. Wahab (2013). Characterization of a new variety of Kenaf (KB-6) as industrial absorbent. Presented in 2nd International Conference on Kenaf and Allied Fibres-ICKAF 2013. Organized by University Putra Malaysia, held in 3-5th December, 2013 (Oral Presentation).
  2. M. A. Salam, N. T. A. Nurul, M. S. R. Senan (2013). Characterization of modified oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber as potential industrial absorbent for dye removal. Presented in International Conference on the Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology 2013 (ICAMN III 2013). Organized by School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, held in 19-22nd November, 2013 (Oral Presentation). 
  3. M. A. Salam, S. Managaki, M. T. Latif, S. Masunaga (2013). Levels of fine particulate matter bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at urban residential area. Presented in Environment Health-2013 conference. Organized by Elsevier Publication, Boston, MA, USA, held in 3-6th March, 2012 (Poster presentation). 


Year 2011

  1. M. A. Salam, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, S. Masunaga (2011). Impact of vehicular emission regulation on PAHs in suspended particulate matter of Yokohama: A comparative assessment of pre- and post-regulation period. Presented in the 1st Environment Asia International Conference, Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, held in 22-25th March, 2011, P: 752-755 (Oral Presentation). 
  2. M. A. Salam, S. Managaki, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, S. Masunaga (2011). Characterization and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Yokohama. Presented in the 91st Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan, held in 26-29th March, 2010, P-1 H3-14 BP (Oral Presentation). 


Year 2010

  1. M. A. Salam, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, S. Masunaga (2010). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in suspended particulate matter from two ambient sites in Yokohama, Japan. Presented in Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 31stNorth America Annual Meeting, Oregon, USA, held in 7-11th November, 2010, P-176 (Oral Presentation). 
  2. M. A. Salam, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, S. Masunaga (2010). Monitoring and Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Road Site Particulate Matter of Yokohama, Japan. Presented in 51thJapan Society for Atmospheric Environment, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, held in 7-10th September, 2010, P- 239 (Oral Presentation).

Experiences and Activities