Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Agriculture

Academic Profile of Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman

Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman

About Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman

Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman was born in Fardabad located in the upazila of Bancharampur under the district of Brahmanbaria. He passed his SSC from Fardabad High School, Bancharampur, B.Baria  and HSC from Tejgaon College, Dhaka. He obtained his BSc Ag (Hons) from SAU and MS in Biochemistry from SAU, Dhaka. He did his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Central South University, Changsha, China. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Agriculture, NSTU.


* indicates corresponding author and indicates equal contribution

1. Shoumika BS, Rayhan A, Kawsar H, Akinur S, Ishrat KA, Sabia K, Nuruzzaman M* (2022) Foliar fertilization of micronutrients on the performance of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo) under the Old Meghna Estuarine Floodplain of Bangladesh. Research on Crops (ROC) (Scopus Indexed) - Accepted


2.  Tofail M H, Saidur M R, Nuruzzaman M, Mostarak H M, Fazle B; (2022) Morpho-physiological Response of Rice to Salicylic Acid under Drought Stress. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University (JBAU), 20(1): 1-11


3. Maliha M B J, Nuruzzaman M*, Hossain B, Trina F A, Uddin N, Sajon S; (2022) Assessment of Varietal Attributes of Okra under Foliar Application of Zinc and Boron. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology (IJHST), 9 (2): 143-149


4.  Uddin M R, Nuruzzaman M, Preanka S B, Islam M M, Ashik K B, Joy M I H, Shakil A, Amena K*; (2021) Boron facilitates rice growth, development and related attributes under saline soil conditions. Acta Agrobotanica, 74. (IF: 1.22)


5.Prodip K B*, Nuruzzaman M, Uddin M S, Ferdous M, Chowdhury I H, Smrity S Z; (2021) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 invasion in the central nervous system: a host-virus deadlock. Acta  Virologica, 65, 115-126. (IF:0.793)


6. Peangka S B, Nuruzzaman M, Rahman H, Kabir S, Sarkar A K, Amean K*; (2020) Effect of biochar application on seed germination, early growth and vigor index of okra.  Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU)


7.  Morshedul I, Rayhan A*, Akhinur S, Pijush K J, Nuruzzaman M, Mostakim B F, (2020) Assessing salt tolerance level of soybean during germination and seedling stage. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU)


8. Xiu H , Nuruzzaman M , Guo X, Cao HZ, Huang J, Chen X, Wu K, Zhang R, Huang Y, Luo J, Luo Zhiyong* (2016) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of eight PgWRKY genes in Panax ginseng responsive to salt and hormones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS), 17 (3); doi:10.3390/ijms17030319. (IF: 4.183); († these authors contributed equally to this work)


9. Su M, Huang J, Li J, Qin X, Tang X, Jin F, Chen S, Jiang C, Zou Z, Peng K, Nuruzzaman M, Zhang J, Luo J, Liu S, Luo Zhiyong* (2016) ZLM-7 exhibits anti-angiogenic effects via impaired endothelial cell function and blockade of VEGF/VEGFR-2 signaling. Oncotarget, (IF: 5.168)


10.   Nuruzzaman M, Cao HZ, Xiu H, Luo T, Li J, Chen X, Luo J, Luo Zhiyong* (2015) Transcriptomics-based identification of WRKY genes and molecular characterization of a salt and hormone-responsive PgWRKY1 gene in Panax ginseng. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS), 48(2):117-131. (IF: 2.502)


11. Cao HZ, Nuruzzaman M, Xiu H, Huang J, Wu K, Chen X, Li J, Wang L, Jeong JH, Park SJ, Yang F, Luo J, Luo Zhiyong* (2015) Transcriptome analysis of methyl jasmonate-elicited Panax ginseng adventitious roots to discover putative ginsenoside biosynthesis and transport genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS), 16: 3035-3057. (IF: 4.183)


12. Afrin S, Nuruzzaman M, Zhu J, Luo Zhiyong* (2014) Combinatorial interactions of MYB and bHLH in flavonoid biosynthesis and their function in plants. Journal of Plant Biology Research (JPBR), 3: 65-77. (IF: 2.329)


13. Nuruzzaman M, Zhang R, Cao HZ, Luo Zhiyong* (2014) Plant pleiotropic drug resistance transporters: transport mechanism, gene expression, and function. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB), 56: 729-740. (IF: 3.824) 


14. Zhang R, Zhu J, Cao HZ, An YR, Huang JJ, Chen XH, Nuruzzaman M, Afrin S, Luo Zhiyong* (2013) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of PDR1-like gene in ginseng subjected to salt and cold stresses or hormonal treatment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (PPB), 71: 203-211. (IF: 3.404)

Experiences and Activities