Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Chemistry

Academic Profile of Dr. Newaz Mohammed Bahadur

Dr. Newaz Mohammed Bahadur

About Dr. Newaz Mohammed Bahadur

BSc (Hons) and MSc (Chemistry, University of Dhaka), PhD and Postdoc (Utsunomiya University, Japan)


Selected Publications

  1. N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, I A Siddiquey and  N Suzuki, Fast and facile synthesis of silica coated silver nanoparticles by microwave irradiation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 355(2) (2011) 312-320.

  2. N M Bahadur, F Kurayama, T Furusawa, M Sato, I A Siddiquey, M M Hossain and  N Suzuki, A Facile Approach to Fabrication of Novel CeO2-TiO2 Core-Shell Nanocomposite Leads to Excellent UV-shielding Ability and Lower Catalytic Activity, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (2013) 15, 1390.

  3. F Kurayama, N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, M Sato, N Suzuki, Facile preparation of  aminosilane-alginate hybrid beads for enzyme immobilization: Kinetics and equilibrium studies, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, In Press, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac. 2019.10.130

  4. N M Bahadur, F Chowdhury, M Obaidullah, M S Hossain, R Rashid, Y Akter, T    Furusawa, M Sato, N Suzuki, Ultrasonic-Assisted Synthesis, Characterization, and   Photocatalytic Application of SiO2@TiO2 Core-Shell Nanocomposite Particles,   Journal of Nanomaterials (2019), Article ID 6368789,     https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6368789.

  5. F. Kurayama, N M Bahadur, M Sato, T Furusawa, N Suzuki, One-step preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid capsules based on simultaneous gelation and silicification, Engineering Reports. (2019),1, :e12061,

  6. M Obaidullah, N M Bahadur, T Fuusawa, M Sato, H Sakuma, N Suzuki, “Microwave assisted rapid synthesis of Fe2O3@SiO2 core-shell nanocomposite for the persistence of magnetic property at high temperature”, Colloid and Surface A: 572 (2019), 138-146.

  7. M Obaidullah, T Fuusawa, I A Siddiquey, N M Bahadur, M Sato, N Suzuki, A fast and facile microwave irradiation method for the synthesis of ZnO@ZrO2 core-shell nanocomposites and the investigation of their optical properties”, Advanced Powder Technology, 29 (8), (2018), 1804-1811.

  8. F Kurayama, , S Suzuki, N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, M Sato, N Suzuki, Preparation of aminosilane–alginate hybrid microcapsules and their use for enzyme encapsulation, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2012) 15405.

  9. N M Bahadur, S Watanabe, T Furusawa, M Sato, F Kurayama, I A Siddiquey, Y Kobayashi, N Suzuki, Rapid one-step synthesis, characterization and functionalization of silica coated gold nanoparticles, Colloid and Surface A; Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 392 (1) (2011) 137-144.

  10. N M Bahadur, T. Furusawa, M. Sato, F. Kurayama, N. Suzuki, Rapid synthesis, characterization and optical properties of TiO2 coated ZnO nanocomposite particles by a novel microwave irradiation method.  Materials Research Bulletin, 45 (2010) 1383-1388.

  11. F Kurayama, T Yoshikawa, T Furusawaki, N M Bahadur, H Hunda, M Sato, N Suzuki, Microcapsule with a heterogeneous catalyst as a microreactor for biodiesel production from the methanolysis of rapeseed oil ,Bioresource Technology May 135 (2013) 652-658.

  12. J.D. Afroze, M.J. Abden, M.S. Alam, N.M. Bahadur, M.A. Gafur, Development of functionalized carbon nanotube reinforced hydroxyapatite    magnetic nanocomposites, Materials Letters, 169 (2016) 24–27.

  13. M.J. Abden, J.D. Afroze, M.S. Alam, N.M. Bahadur, Pressureless sintering and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite/ functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube composite, Materials Science and Engineering C, 67 (2016) 418–424.

  14. M M Rahmana,  N Akter,  M R Karima,  N. Ahmad, M M Rahmanb, , I.A. Siddiquey,  N M Bahadur,  M.A. Hasnat, Optimization, kinetic and thermodynamic studies for removal of Brilliant Red (X-3B) using Tannin gel, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2 (2014) 76–83.

  15. N M Bahadur, H Takaoka, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, Iqbal A Siddiquey, N Suzuki, Silica coating of copper nanoparticles by a fast and facile microwave method, Journal of Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 58 (2011) 591.

  16. T Furusawa, Y Kadota, A Matsuzuka, F Kurayama, N M Bahadur, M Sato, N Suzuki, Surface Modi­fication of Silica Coated ZnO Nanoparticles with 3- Aminopropyltriethoxysilane by Microwave-Assisted Method and Its Effect on theProperties of Coated Samples, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 47 (2014) 900–907.

  17. N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato and N Suzuki, A novel approach to silica-titania composite material and its photocatalytic    efficiency,Material Technology, 28 (2), (2010) 45-55.

  18. M A Hasnat, M M Rahman, S M Borhanuddin, A Siddiqua, N M Bahadur, M R Karim,  Efficient hydrogen peroxide decomposition on bimetallic PtPd surfaces, Catalysis Communications, 12 (2010) 286–291.

  19. I A Siddiquey, T Furusawa, M Sato, N M Bahadur, N Suzuki, Fabrication of silica coated Al2O3 nanoparticles via a fast and facile route utilizing microwave irradiation, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 130 (2011) 583– 586.

  20. I A Siddiquey, T Furusawa, M Sato, N M Bahadur, N Uddin and N Suzuki, A rapid method for the preparation of silica-coated ZrO2 nanoparticles by microwave irradiation, Ceramics International, 37 (6) (2011), 1755-1760.

  21. I A Siddiquey, T Furusawa, M Sato, N M Bahadur, N Suzuki, Sonochemical synthesis, photocatalytic activity and optical properties of silica   coated ZnO nanoparticles, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 19 (2012) 750–755.

  22. M. M. Hossain, M. J. Mia, M. N. Kayes, M. A. Hossain, N M. Bahadur. Preparation of ZnO with Characteristic Surface Properties for Application as an Adsorbent, J. Bangladesh Chem. Soc. 26(2) (2014), 112-125. 

  23. M A Habib, N M Bahadur, A J Mahmood, M A Islam, Immobilization of heavy metals in cementitious matrices, J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 16(3), (2012) 263-269.

  24. M A Habib, M T Sahadat, M A Habib, N M Bahadur, A J Mahmood,, A J Mahmood, Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposites and their application as photocatalysts,Int Nano Lett (2013) 3: 5.

  25. I Mustafa, M S Alam, M N Amin , N M Bahadur and M A Habib, Phenol removal from aqueous system by jute stick, Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, 9 (2), (2008), 92-95.

  26. A j Mahmood, M A  Jabber, N M  Bahadur and  S Akhter, Voltammetric Studies Of Some Dyes in Aqueous Solution at Pt-Disk Electrode, The Dhaka University Journal of Science,52(2) (2004), 261-264.

  27. A J Mahmood , M A Jabbar, M muslim and N M Bahadur, Voltammetric and Photodegradation studies of Orange G in water, The Dhaka University Journal of Science, 53(1)(2005) 153-159.

  28. M A Habib, M M Rab, N M Bahadur, I M I Ismail, Thermally Treated Local Sand is an Alternative of Fly Ash in Preparation of Composite Cement, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology,3 (12), 2014, 966-970.

  29.  R Anjum, A S Khan , M Z Islam , R. Islam, N M Bahadur, “Chemical and Microbial Analysis of Potable Water in Public Water Supply of Greater Noakhali, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8(12) 2017,1170-1174.

  30. Nanostructured SiO2@ZnO photocatalyst showing enhanced photocatalytic activity    for the degradation of organic pollutents. (In preparation).


Book Chapters

  1. F Kurayama, T Furusawa, M Sato, N M Bahadur, N Suzuki, Modification of alginate microcapsules using silane coupling agent and application to enzyme immobilization,Alginates: Production, Types and Applications, pp. 177-198 ,Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA.
  2. F Kurayama , T Furusawa, N M Bahadur, M Sato, and N Suzuki, Biodiesel Production Using Cao-Loaded Microcapsules As a Solid Base Catalyst, Handbook on Oil Production Research, pp.147-174, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA.
  3. N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Optical Properties and Applications for Cancer TreatmentNova Science Publishers, Inc., USA, (In preparation)


Selected presentations

  1. N M Bahadur, S Igarashi, T Furusawa, M Sato, F Kurayama, N Suzuki, Microwave-assisted Synthesis, Characterization, Surface Functionalization of Silica Coated Silver Iodide Nanocomposite Particles and Their Possible Bioapplication, 2nd Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications, Long Beach, California, USA, July 23-27, 2012

  2. N M Bahadur, Y. Hoshi, S Watanabe, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, A novel technique for synthesis of silica coated gold and silver nanocomposite particles by microwave irradiation, The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2010.

  3. N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, A novel approach to prepare silica-titania composite material and its photocatalytic efficiency, The 48th Symposium on Powder Science and Technology, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, October 15-20, 2010.

  4. N M Bahadur, S Watanabe, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, Rapid synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence of ZnO-TiO2nanocomposite by a novel microwave irradiation method, The 47th Symposium on Powder Science and Technology, Hachioji, Japan, November 30- December 2, 2010.

  5. N M Bahadur, S Watanabe, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, Synthesis of silver-silica core-shell nanocomposite by a novel microwave method, 7th international Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication, Yokohama, Japan, April 19-21, 2010.

  6. N M Bahadur, T Furusawa, F Kurayama, M Sato, N Suzuki, Modification of gold nanoparticles via microwave irradiation method, Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications, GCMEA 2008 (MAJIC 1st), Otsu, Japan, 4-8 August, 2008.

  7. M S Hossain, N M Bahadur,THossain, F Hossen, MA S Azad, M I H Chowdhurya, N S Pinky, F A Jui, Preparation and characterization of silver doped zinc oxide nanocomposite particles and their structural, morphological, optical, vibrational and antimicrobial properties,
    1stSymposium on Chemistry for Global Solidarity, Jagannat University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14 September, 2016.

  8.  N M Bahadur , Y Akter, M S Islam, M A Haque, N Sultana, “Ultrasonic Synthesis, Characterization and Application of TiO-SiO2 nanocomposite particles” Fourth National Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic Association, 20 January 2018.

  9. N M Bahadur, M S Hossain, M A Haque, M S Alam, Y Akhter, M   S   Islam “Inhibition of photocatalytic activity and enhancement of UV shielding capability of ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposite particles prepared by ultrasound irradiation method”, International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology,  24-25 February, 2018, KUET, Bangladesh.

  10. A J Mahmood, A Jabber, S Akhter and N M Bahadur, Photoelectrochemical studies of some dyes,  The Third Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Yarmork  University, Irbid, Jordan, 22-26 April, 2002.

  11. A J Mahmood, A Jabber, N M Bahadur, Voltammetry of  Bractive T Blue,Silver Jubilee Conference of Bangladesh  Chemical Society, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar,Dhaka, Bangladesh, 11-13    January, 2003.

  12. A J Mahmood, M A Jabbar, S Akhtar and N M Bahadur,Voltammetry of Methylene Blue in Aqueous  Solution at ITO Glass Electrode, 203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Paris, France, 27  April- 2 May, 2003.

Article Reviewer

  1. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  2. Journal of Materials Chemistry B
  3. Journal of Nanoparticle Research
  4. New Journal of Chemistry
  5. Materials and Design
  6. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  7. Dyes and Pigments
  8. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
  9. Journal of Materials Science
  10. Applied Surface Science
  11. Journal of Nanomaterials
  12. The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
  13. Chemical Papers
  14. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics
  15. International Journal of Nano letters.
  16. Materials
  17. Physical Sciences Research International (PSRI)


  1. Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications
  2. Japan Research Institute of Material Technology
  3. Bangladesh Chemical Society
  4. Bangladesh Crystallographic Association.


Experiences and Activities

Employment History/ Administrative positions:

  1. Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University
  2. Dean, Faculty of Education Science, Noakhali Science and Technology University, (September 2019 to till date)
  3. Regent board member from September 2019 to till date, Noakhali   Science and  Technology  University,   Sonapur,  Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh.
  4. Proctor from 23 June 2019 to till date, Noakhali   Science and  Technology  University,    Sonapur, Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh.
  5. Chairman, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University from 7/10/2013 to  06/10/2016.
  6. Chairman (Acting), Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University from 5/03/2006 to 1/10/2007
  7. Regent board member from 5/03/2006 to 1/10/2007, Noakhali   Science and  Technology  University,   Sonapur,  Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh.
  8. Proctor, from 23 June 2013 to 22 December 2015, Noakhali   Science and  Technology  University,    Sonapur, Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh.
  9. Assistant Proctor, from 5/03/2006 to 1/10/2007, Noakhali   Science and Technology  University, Sonapur,  Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh.

Scholastic Records

August 2018-November 2019

Postdoctoral research fellow, Japan Student Services Organization, JASSO, Utsunomiya University, Japan.

May 2011-March 2013

Postdoctoral research fellow, Venture Business Laboratory, Utsunomiya University, Japan


Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy), Department of Innovation Systems Engineering (Applied Chemistry), Utsunomiya University, Japan


 Master of Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh 


Bachelor of Science, Department of Chemistry, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Working Experiences



Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh

Number of Students under my supervision: (Ph.D.: 1; Graduate: 9; Undergraduate: 10)

2013- 5th April 2018

Associate Professor

Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh


Postdoctoral Research fellow, Venture Business Laboratory, Utsunomiya University, Japan


Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3802, Bangladesh.


Lecturer, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3802, Bangladesh


Lecturer , School of Engineering and Technology, Primeasia University, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Worked as a research associate in the Physical Chemistry Section in the Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. President, Teacher`s Association, 2014, Noakhali Science and Technology University.
  2. President, Teacher`s Association, 2019, Noakhali Science and Technology University.

Fellowship and Awards

  • JASSO research fellowship, Postdoctoral fellowship, 2018 .
  • Venture Business laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship, April 2011-February 2013.
  • Mobukagakusho Scholarship (funded by the Japanese Government): October 2007-March 2011
  • Young scientist scholarship, Venture Business Laboratory, Utsunomiya University, Japan (for the year 2008)
  • Young scientist scholarship, Venture Business Laboratory, Utsunomiya University,  Japan (for the year 2009)
  • Primary School and Secondary School Scholarship (funded by peoples republic of Bangladesh) : 1987 & 1990.
  • Best Paper Award, Material Technology Society, 2010, Japan.
  • Best Oral Paper Award, International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology,  24-25 February, 2018, KUET, Bangladesh
  • Best Poster Award, Fourth National Conference of Bangladesh Crystallographic  Association, 20 January 2018.