Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Agriculture

Academic Profile of Dr. Pijush Kanti Jhan

Dr. Pijush Kanti Jhan

About Dr. Pijush Kanti Jhan

Dr. Jhan completed his MS in insect taxonomy and Ph.D. in insect physiology. During the MS study, he discovered five new insect species and recorded 18 genera from Bangladesh. He studied vector insect whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) with Begomovirus transmission and relationship in his Ph.D. and learned knowledge about insect molecular taxonomy also. Now he has been continuing his research in insect molecular taxonomy and virus transmission ability confirmation of the indigenous whiteflies of Bangladesh. 

Skills and expertise

  • Insect Taxonomy
  • DNA Isolation
  • PCR
  • Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
  • DNA Sequence Analysis
  • RNA Isolation
  • cDNA Synthesis
  • Real-Time rtPCR
  • Protein Isolation
  • Bradford Protein Assay
  • Western Blot


  • Room number: 06, 9th Floor (Department of Agriculture)
  • Academic Building-2, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh
  • Cell: +8801799603677
  • Email: [email protected]

Projects running:

  • 1. Traditional Knowledge of Bangladeshi Fauna (insect and fish), Funded by National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), South Korea.
  • 2. Virus transmission ability of indigenous whitefly Bemisia tabaci in Bangladesh. 


  1. Jhan, P. K., Rahman, M. A., Jahan, S. M. H., & Khan, M. H. S. (2016). A newly recorded genus Hauptenia Szwedo (Hemiptera:Fulgoromorph: Derbidae) in Bangladesh, with description of a new species. International Journal of Innovative Research, 1(1), 1-4.
  2. Jhan, P. K., Shim, J. K., Lee, S., & Lee, K. Y. (2018). Differential responses between a vector species Bemisia tabaci and a nonvector species Trialeurodes vaporariorum following ingestion of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 100(2). (IF: 1.31)
  3. Mostafiz, M. M., Jhan, P. K., Shim, J. K., & Lee, K. Y. (2018). Methyl benzoate exhibits insecticidal and repellent activities against Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). PLOS One, 13(12). (IF: 2.76)
  4. Nuruzzaman, M., Rahman, M. A., Jahan, S. M. H., Khan, M. H. S., Jhan, P. K., & Lee, K. Y. (2018). First Molecular Identification of Tetranychus malaysiensis and Sancassania sp. in Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovative Research, 3(1), 1-6.
  5. Rahman, M. A., Jhan, P. K., Khan, M. H. S., Jahan, S. M. H., & Alam, R. (2016). A Preliminary Checklist of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) from Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovative Research, 1(2), 9–16.
  6. Islam, M. M., Ahmed, R., Shila, A., Jhan, P. K., Nuruzzaman, M., & Fahim, M. M. B. (2019). Assessing salt tolerance level of soybean during germination and seedling stage. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University, 3 (1 &2), 8-14.
  7. Sonet, S. S., Humaira, F., Shahin, M., Amin, F. B., Islam, M. N., Jhan, P. K., Sultana, S., Sarker, M. M. H., & Kabir, M. M. (2019). Plant-Insect Networking in Homestead Area, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Green University Review of Social Sciences, 5 (2), 25-36.
  8. Islam, M. M., Ahmed, R., Shila, A., Jhan, P. K., Rubel, M. H., Hossen, K., Fahim, M. M. B., Ahmed, R. (2021). Appraisement of Salinity Stress on Germination and Seedling Development of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Tropical Agroecosystems 2(1), 52-56.
  9. Sumi, A. A., Jhan, P. K*., Rubel, M. H.* & Ahmed, R. (2022). Effect of medicinal plant extracts on seed germination and early seedling growth of three cucurbits. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. ISSN 1682-3974 DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2022.XX.XX (https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ajps.0000.107086.107086) 
  10. Jhan, P. K., & Lee, K. (2022). Developing extreme heat acclimation in Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 110(2). doi:10.1002/arch.21890

Experiences and Activities


  1. Annual Meeting and International Symposium, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, South Korea, 20.10.2016
  2. Brain of Korea (BK21+) Conference, Innovative Youth Development Program for Revolutionary 4-H Agricultural Bio-industry, South Korea, 16.02.2017
  3. Spring Meeting and International Symposium, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, South Korea, 26.04.2017
  4. The 8th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science, South Korea, 11.12.2017
  5. Spring International Conferences, Korean Society of Applied Entomology, South Korea 25.04.2018 
  6. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science, Taiwan, 01.10.2018