Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Economics

Academic Profile of Farian Tahrim

Farian Tahrim

About Farian Tahrim

Mr. Farian Tahrim completed his MSS and BSS on Economics from Department of Economics, Noakhali Science and Technology University. Apart from having few publications, he has done some field works such as 'Land Tenure System in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh', 'Cobweb Phenomena on the Vegetable Markets of Noakhali, Bangladesh', 'Analysis of Marketing Cost and Margin of Grocery Products for the wholesaler of Chawk Bazar, Cumilla', 'Impact of NGOs on Poverty Alleviation at Noakhali, Bangladesh' etc. He presented an article on 'Economic Condition of Noakhali' in the Seminar on “Political Economy of Fundamentalism and Fundamentalist Extremism in Bangladesh, 2016".  

He was very active in differnet organisations like NSTUDS, Protiddhony, Shobdo Kutir etc during his university period. In addition, he completed the 160 hours program of Graphic Design and ITES Foundation Skill conduct by LICT Project of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), ICT Division. 

As a teacher, his goal is to encourage the students to pursue their own studying preferences and rational reasoning in order to create a learner-centered classroom atmosphere.


Islam, M. A., Tahrim, F. (2019). Is economic growth a better measurement of standard of living than human development index in Bangladesh? Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 7(12), 1-9.

Hossain, M. I., Tahrim, F., Hossain, M. S., & Rahman, M. M. (2018). Relationship between trade openness and unemployment: empirical evidence for Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Economics and Development6(8), 1-12.

Experiences and Activities