Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Economics

Academic Profile of Farid Dewan

Farid Dewan

About Farid Dewan


Sen, B.R., Islam, T., Nahar, A. and Dewan, M.F. 2019. The Impact of Foreign Aid in Economic Growth: An Econometric Analysis of Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Business. 3(2): 138-145.

Hossain. M.A., Khatun, M., Matin, M.A. and Dewan, M.F. 2017. Growth Rates of Fruits Cultivation in Hilly Areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 42(2): 387-392.

Hossain. M.A., Khatun, M., Matin, M.A. and Dewan, M.F. 2017. Postharvest Loss Assessment of Major Fruits Grown in Hill Regions of Bangladesh.  Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 42(1): 171 -184.

Rahman, M.K., Dewan, M.F. & Islam, M.S. 2015. A Study of Rice Profit Margins of Growers, Farias, Beparis, Rice Millers, Rice Aratdar-cum-Wholesaler and Retailers: A Case Study of Dinajpur and Sherpur Districts. Journal of Economics and Development Studies (JEDS). 4: 43-62.

Khosrul Alam, K., Sen, B.R., Islam, T & Dewan, M.F. 2015. Women in Rural Economy in the Light of Poverty: Bangladesh Perspective. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Science (IOSR-JHSS). 20(3): 37-41.

Dewan, M.F. 2014. Spatial Price Relationship among the Selected Rice Markets in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Quantitative Science. 1(4): 16-23.

Omar, M.I., Dewan, M.F., & Haque, M.S. 2014. Analysis of Price Forecasting and Spatial Co-Integration in Bangladesh. European Journal of Business and Management. 6(7): 244-255.

Omar, M.I., Dewan, M.F. & Haque, M.S. 2014. Analysis of Spatial Co-integration and Marketing Margin of Tilapia (Oreochromisin Niluticus) Fish in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences. 1(2): 15-26.

Omar, M.I., Islam. A., Haque, M.S., Dewan, M.F. and Islam, M.T. 2014. Marketing System and Market Integration of Different Egg Markets in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). 16 (1): 52-58.

Experiences and Activities

Serial Designation Department/Institution Duration
1. Assistant Professor Department of Economics, NSTU 16 March 2016 - Present
2. Lecturer Department of Economics, NSTU 16 March 2014 - 15 March 2016
3. Scientific Officer Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) 01 September 2013 - 13 March 2014
4. Scientific Officer Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) 25 July 2012 - 31 August 2013









Serial  Position Department/Institution Duration
1. Chairman Department of Economics, NSTU 24 April 2017 - 10 July 2018
2. Assistant Provost Hazrat Bibi Khadiza Hall, NSTU 19 June 2019 - Present
3. Assistant Provost Hazrat Bibi Khadiza Hall, NSTU 18 August 2015 - 31 October 2018









  • Member, Planning Committee, Department of Economics, NSTU
  • Head, IT Committee, Department of Economics, NSTU
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Royal Economics Club (REC), Department of Economics, NSTU
  • Member, Purchase Committee, Department of Economics, NSTU
  • Member, Purchase Committee, Hazrat Bibi Khadiza Hall, NSTU
  • Course Coordinator (present), Post-graduate Level, Session: 2018-19 (3rd Batch), Department of Economics, NSTU
  • Course Coordinator (former), Undergraduate Level, Session: 2014-15 (3rd Batch), Department of Economics, NSTU