Assistant Professor | |
MSS (University of Dhaka) BSS (University of Dhaka) HSC (Nilphamari Govt. Women's College) SSC (Jadur Hat High School) |
[email protected] | |
+8801749487867 | |
Blood Group: O+ | |
Joining Date : 2019-01-07 | |
Research Interests:
Political Economy & Development, History and Contemporary Politics with Geo-political analysis, Migration, Culture & Social Change, Gender, and Leadership. |
About Kamrunnahar
Researcher & Faculty Member
Article: 1. Kamrunnahar (2021), 'Geo-political perspective of the Language Movement of 1952 & Bangabandhu's struggle for Bengali Identity.' (Accepted Paper)
2. Shahnewaz, Kamrunnahar (2021), Forcibly Displaced People from Myanmar to Bangladesh :The Path to Effective Repatriation, Social Change, (ISSN: 1997-938X), Vol. 11, Issue No. 1
3. Kamrunnahar, Shahnewaz (2020), Negative Voting in Democracy: A Quest for Enhancing Political Participation, Social Change, (ISSN: 1997-938X), Vol. 10, Issue No. 1
4. Tanjima Akhter, Md. Ariful Islam, Farhana Akhtar, Azizul Hakim Suzan, Kamrunnahar (2020) 'COVID-19: Herd Immunity Projection in Bangladesh', International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-10, August 2020
5. Revisiting Political Participation of Women in Bangladesh Parliament'.(Working Paper)
6. The Plight of Female Migrant Workers of Bangladesh in the Middle East. (Working Paper)
7. A reassessment of the militarization process of Ayub Khan & Yahya Khan. (Working Paper) |
Magazine & Paper Writing: 1. তারুণ্য: বাঁচার অঙ্গীকার, বোধি: সাহিত্য-সংস্কৃতি বিষয়ক ছোটকাগজ, সংখ্যা ১, আশ্বিন ১৪২৬ 2. ‘Bangladeshi not Outside of Panama Papers’, The Daily People’s Time, 30 May, 2016 http://edailypeoplestime.com/index.php?page=1&date=2016-05-30 3. ‘Sardar Fazlul Karim: Life Shinning Lessons’, The Asian Age, 13 May, 2016 http://dailyasianage.com/news/18786/sardar-fazlul-karim-life-shining-lessons 4. ‘মানুষই হোক মানুেষর সবেচেয় বড় পরিচয়’,রাষ্ট্র-নিরীক্ষার কাগজ, ১ম বর্ষ, ১ম সংখ্যা, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৬ 5. ‘A voice of conscience gone silent’, The Daily Star, 21 June 2014 http://www.thedailystar.net/a-voice-of-conscience-gone-silent-29531 6. 'শান্তিপূর্ন উপায়ে ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তর অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নের অবশ্যই পূর্বশর্ত,’ দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক, ২১ জুলাই ২০১৩ (https://archive.ittefaq.com.bd/index.php?ref=MjBfMDdfMjFfMTNfMV81XzFfNTgwMDM=)
Presented Paper: ১। "পূর্ব বাংলার স্বাধীকার আন্দোলনে ভূ-রাজনৈতিক বিষয়াবলী ( ১৯৪৭-৭১): একটি পর্যালোচনা", 'International Conference on Bangabandhu, His Times and Legacy: Society, Economy & State Formation in Retrospect-2020.' Held in Barishal University on February 28, 2020
Experiences and Activities
Working Experience: 1. Research Analyst, Microgovernance Research Initiative (MGR), Dec. 2013-Oct. 2016 2. Research Assistant, Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, Dhaka, January-March 2013 3. Guest Lecturer, Sheikh Borhanuddin Post-Graduate College, Dhaka, From May - December 2016 |
Honors & Achievements: Justice Mustafa Kamal Gold Medal-2014 for scoring the highest CGPA in MSS Lutfur Rahman Memorial Scholarship 2013, University of Dhaka Dean’s Award 2013, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka for scoring the highest CGPA in BSS Shamsunnahar Hall Merit Scholarship 2013, University of Dhaka Merit Scholarship, Fatema Iqbal Trust Fund, 2012, University of Dhaka Talentpool Scholarship, 2010-2013 , Dinajpur Board, Bangladesh
Memberships & Social Activities: Associate Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, From April 2016 onwards SAVE Moderator, NSTU Chapter, December 2019-Present Member, Jana-Itihas Charcha Kendra, Dhaka, February 2020 to present Member, Dhaka University Political Science Department Alumni Association (DUPDAA) since 2015 President, Political Science English Adda (PSEA), 2013-2015 Member, Shamsun Nahar Hall Debating Club, 2010-2015 Executive Member, Shamsun Nahar Hall Sahitya Aungan (Literary Forum), 2014-2015 Member, Bandhan Shamsun Nahar Hall Unit, Dhaka University, 2012-2014 |
Workshop & Training: 1. Workshop on Research Methodology arranged by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh on 1-2 March 2019 2. International Cirtificate Course on Conflict Management & Negotiations held in summer 2016 (29 April-13 August 2016). It was conducted by Phoenix Global Academy in association with the Institute of Knowledge & Resources (IKR) 3. Academic Workshop on Research Design, Methodology, & Proposal Writing in Social Sciences organized by Microgovernance Research Initiative (MGR) on 28 February-1 March 2014 4. Workshop on English Language on 4 March 2014 jointly organized by American Centre, US Embassy & Political Science English Adda |