Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of Mahabubur Rahman

Mahabubur Rahman

About Mahabubur Rahman

I have over 10 years of experience conducting research related to fish, aquatic invertebrates, fisheries, and fish products. I have delivered lectures to both undergraduate and master's students in various courses and have been actively engaged in diverse research activities. My research contributions include numerous publications in reputable journals and presentations at various conferences, workshops, and seminars. Currently, I am on study leave to pursue my Ph.D. at Murdoch University in Australia. My Ph.D. research focuses on the molecular phylogeny, evolutionary history, and ecological dynamics of salt lake invertebrates in Australia. I am motivated to advance knowledge in the taxonomy and ecology of aquatic invertebrates, as well as various aspects of fish and fisheries.


Peer Reviewed Research Articles

  1. Uddin, M.N., M. Rahman, M.J. Hossain, I.J. Tumpa and Z. Hossain, 2018. Study of stingray harvesting, marketing and utilization in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. J Bangladesh Agrill. Univ., 16(3): 539-544. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/jbau.v16i3.39452
  2. Hossain, M.B. and M. Rahman, 2017. Ocean acidification: an impending disaster to benthic shelled invertebrates and ecosystem. J Noakhali Sci. & Tech. Univ., 1(1): 19-30.
  3. Sultana, T., M. Rahman, and M.A. Hossain, 2017. Present status and sustainability of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Noakhali district. J. Noakhali Sci. & Tech. Univ., 1(1): 51-57.
  4. Hasan, M.M., B.S. Sarker, M. Rahman, M.S.A. Patwary, M.J. Sarker, K.M.S. Nazrul and M.R. Parvej, 2015. Present Yield Status, Percentage Composition and Seasonal Abundance of Shark in Two Geographically Important Zones of Bangladesh, Fish. Aquac. J., 6(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.4172/2150-3508.1000144
  5. Ali, M.M., M.B. Hossain, M. Rahman and S. Rahman, 2014. Post Stocking Management Practices by the Pond Fish Farmers in Barisal District, Bangladesh. Global Veterinaria, 13 (2): 196-201. DOI:10.5829/idosi.gv.2014.13.02.83307
  6. Hassan, M.N., M. Rahman, M.B. Hossain, M.M. Hossain, R. Mendes and A.A.K.M. Nowsad, 2013. Monitoring of the presence of chloramphenicol and nitrofuran metabolites in cultured prawn, shrimp and feed in the Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Egyptian J. Aqua. Res., 39: 51-58. DOI:10.1016/j.ejar.2013.04.004
  7. Hassan, M.N., M. Rahman, M.M. Hossain, A.A.K.M. Nowsad and M.B. Hossain, 2013. Post-Harvest Loss and Shelf Life of Traditionally Smoked Shrimp Products Produced in Bangladesh. World J. Fish & Marine Sci., 5 (1): 14-19. DOI:10.5829/idosi.wjfms.2013.05.01.6595
  8. Hossain, M.M., M. Rahman, M. N. Hassan and A.A.K.M. Nowsad, 2013. Post-Harvest Loss of Farm Raised Indian and Chinese Major Carps in the Distribution Channel from Mymensingh to Rangpur of Bangladesh. Pakistan J. Biologi. Sci., 16(12): 564-569. DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2013.564.569
  9. Rahman, M., S. Khatun, M.B. Hossain, M.N. Hassan and A.A.K.M. Nowsad, 2013. Present Scenario of Landing and Distribution of Fish in Bangladesh. Pakistan J. Biologi. Sci., 16 (22): 1488-1495. DOI:10.3923/pjbs.2013.1488.1495
  10. Siddiq, M.A., D. Saha, M. Rahman and M.B. Hossain, 2013.  Fishing Gears of the Meghna River Estuary of Chandpur Region, Bangladesh. Trends Fisheries Res., 2 (1): 1-8.
  11. Khatun, S., R. K. Adhikary, M. Rahman, M.N.A. Sikder and M.B. Hossain, 2013. Socioeconomic status of pond fish farmers of Charbata, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Int. J.  Life Sci. Biotech. & Pharma Res., 2 (1): 356-365.
  12. Aktar, N., M.R. Islam, M.B. Hossain and M. Rahman, 2013. Fish species availability and marketing system of fish in different markets of Noakhali district in Bangladesh. World Appl. Sci. J., 22 (5): 616-624. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.22.05.66117
  13. Azam, A.K.M.S., M.A. Mansur, M. Asadujjaman, M. Rahman and M.G. Sarwer, 2013.  Quality and Safety Aspects of Fresh and Frozen Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Bangladesh.  American J. Food Sci. & Tech., 1(4): 77-81. DOI:10.12691/ajfst-1-4-3
  14. Rahman, M.M., A. Sultana, M.M. Hasan, B.S. Sarker and M. Rahman, 2013. Estimation of Fecundity and Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) of Paradise Threadfin, Polynemus paradiseus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Meghna River Estuary, Bangladesh. Daffodil Int. Univ. J. Sci. & Tech., 8(2): 5-10.
  15. Pravakar, P., B.S. Sarker, M. Rahman and M.B. Hossain, 2013. Present Status of Fish Farming and Livelihood of Fish Farmers in Shahrasti Upazila of Chandpur District, Bangladesh. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13 (3): 391-397.
  16. Rahman, M., M.F. Tazim, S.C. Dey, A.K.M.S. Azam and M.R. Islam, 2012. Alternative livelihood options of fishermen of Nijhum Dwip under Hatiya Upazila of Noakhali district, Bangladesh. Asian J. Rural Development, 2 (2): 24-31. DOI:10.3923/ajrd.2012.24.31
  17. Hassan, M.N., M. Rahman, M.M. Hossain, A.A.K.M. Nowsad and M.B. Hossain, 2012. Post-Harvest Handling and Marketing of Shrimp and Prawn in South-Western Region of Bangladesh. World J. Fish & Marine Sci., 4 (6): 651-656. DOI:10.5829/idosi.wjfms.2012.04.06.6594
  18. Rahman, M., M.M. Rahman, M.M. Hasan and M.R. Islam, 2012. Livelihood status and the potential of alternative income generating activities of fisherman community of Nijhum Dwip under Hatiya Upazila of Noakhali district, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Res. Publi. J., 6 (4): 370-379.
  19. Khan, M.R., M.M. Rahman, M. Shamsuddin, M.R. Islam and M. Rahman, 2011. Present status of aqua drugs and chemicals in Mymensingh district. J. Bangladesh Society for Agricul. Sci. & Tech., 8 (1 & 4): 169-174.
  20. Mondal, M., M.R. Islam and M. Rahman, 2010. Livelihood status of fishing community of Kaptailake of Bangladesh. J. Bangladesh Society for Agricul. Sci. & Tech., 7 (3 & 4): 103-108.


Conference and Symposium Abstracts

  1. Naher, N. and M. Rahman, 2016. Improvement of livelihood and adaptation techniques of fisher community through the assistance received under climate programs in Noakhali and Laksmipur, Bangladesh. Book of Abstract. 7th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2016. BFRF, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 105p.
  2. Chwakravorty, P., M. Rahman and P. R. Majumder, 2016. Post-harvest handling and quality loss of Indian major carps in the distribution channel of Noakhali, Bangladesh. Book of Abstract. 7th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2016. BFRF, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 132p.

Experiences and Activities

26 May 2015- Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries & Marine Science, Noakhali Science & Technology University (NSTU), Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh. Involved in Teaching and Research Activities.

26 May 2013- 25 May 2015: Lecturer, Department of Fisheries & Marine Science, Noakhali Science & Technology University (NSTU), Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh. Involved in Teaching and Research Activities.

07 February 2013-25 May 2013: Enumerator, Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME) Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh; Involved in Survey of Shark Fisheries and Preparation of a National Plan of Actions (NPOA) for Conservation and Management of Shark Resources in Bangladesh.

10 November 2012-09 February 2013: Program Officer, Climate Change Adaptation Project, Sagarika Samaj Unnayan Sangstha (SSUS), Noakhali, Bangladesh; Involved in Project Co-ordination, implementing and Regular Reporting.