Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering

Academic Profile of Md. Javed Hossain

Md. Javed Hossain

About Md. Javed Hossain



1. Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Shahed Anwer, “A Comprehensive Method to design Fuzzy Inference System using SAHN based Algorithm”, the Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES), ISSN : 1816-1510, Vol. 7, Number 1-2, pp. 65-73, December 2007.

2. Kazi Tofayel Ahmed, Md. Bellal Hossain, Md. Javed Hossain, “Designing a high bandwidth Patch Antenna and comparison with the former Patch Antennas”, Canadian Journal on Multimedia and Wireless Networks, ISSN: 1923-1697, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 27-36, April 2011.

3. Mostafa Kamrul Ahsan, Md. Javed Hossain, Md. Bellal Hossain, “Node based Radio Network Planning”, International Journal of Computing, ISSN: 2231-2153 (Paper), ISSN: 2230-9039 (Online), Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 566-578, July 2011.

4. Nasrin Akter, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammad Salim Hossain “Protein Structure Alignment using Dynamic Programming”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 0975-1491, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 73-76, Oct-Dec. 2011.

5. Mrinal Kanti Baowaly, Md. Javed Hossain, Moniruzzaman Bhuiyan “Accessibility Analysis and Evaluation of Government Websites in Developing Countrie: Case Study Bangladesh”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, ISSN: 2222- 1719 (Paper), ISSN: 2222-2863 (Online), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1-9, March 2012.

6. Md. Saifur Rahman, Md. Bellal Hossain, Md. Javed Hossain, Mrinal Kanti Baowaly, “Performance Comparison and Improvement of Broadcasting Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network”, ARPN International Journal of Systems and Software, ISSN: 2222- 9833, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 104-109, March 2012.

7. Adnan Ahmed Hasan, Sadi Muhammad Sadeque, Md. Bellal Hossain, Md. Javed Hossain,“Highway Traffic maintenance using Broadcasting Protocol of VANET in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, ISSN: 2223-4985, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 442-447, May 2012.

8. Mohammad Serazul Islam, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, “Virtualization of Campus LAN and analyzing traffic issues of these VLANs”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 923-932, January 2014.

9. Md. Abdul Wahab, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, “Implementation and Performance Analysis of Mobile Cloud Computing based on Java and Cloud Analyst”, International Journal of Mobile & Adhoc Network, ISSN(Online): 2231-6825, ISSN (Print):2249-202X, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 259- 264, August 2014.

10. Md. Faizan Hasan, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Mohammed Nizam Uddin, “Symbol Generation and Enhanced Capacity in LTE-A Network using MIMOOFDM”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp. 20-29, September 2014.

11. Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Syful Islam, Md. Javed Hossain, “Detail Comparison of Network Simulators”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 5, Issue 10, pp. 203-218, October 2014.

12. Iftekhar Mahmud Towhid, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, “An Anchorless Cooperative Localization Systeme for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, ISSN (Online): 2249-071X, ISSN (Print): 2278-4209, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 1346-1356, November 2014.

13. Zayed-Us-Salehin, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Md. Bellal Hossain “Analysing the effects of Transmission range of Base Station on Mobile WiMAX Network Transport Layer Protocols”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN (Online): 2278-1021, ISSN (Print): 2319-5940, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 6-13, April 2015.

14. Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Syful Islam, Md. Javed Hossain, Sazzad Hossain “A Detail Overview of Cloud Computing with its Opportunities and Obstacles in Developing Countries”, International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention, ISSN (Online): 2319-6734, ISSN (Print): 2319-6726, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 52-63, April 2015.

15. Muhammad Afsar Uddin, Dr. Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Md. Javed Hossain, Dr. Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan “Designing High Bandwidth Connected E-H and E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antennas for S-band Communication”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN: 1947-5500, Vol. 13, Issue 6, pp. 68- 73, June 2015.

16. Syful Islam, M.H Kabir, Md. Javed Hossain, Nazia Majadi “CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY IN BANGLADESH: A FRAMEWORK OF SOCIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT”, European Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1857-7881(Print), e-ISSN: 1857- 7431, Vol. 11, No. 18, pp. 393-410, June 2015.

17. Shafiqul Islam, Sharif Uddin, Hasan Ali, Javed Hossain, Zahid Hasan Mahmood “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUB-10NM SI, GE, GAAS N-CHANNEL FINFET”, International Journal of Semiconductor Science & Technology (IJSST), ISSN (P): 2250- 1576, ISSN (E): 2278-9405, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-6, December 2017.

18. Mahbuba Yesmin, Nahida Akter, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Javed Hossain* , “Performance evaluation of multi-cloud compared to the single-cloud under varying firewall conditions”, Journal of Cogent Engineering, ISSN : 2331-1916, Vol. 5: 1471974, pp. 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2018.1471974, ESCI and SCOPUS indexed, May 2018.

19. Syful Islam, Ratnadip Kuri, Md. Humayun Kabir, Md. Javed Hossain, “Exploring Congestion Control Mechanism of TCP Variants over Wired and Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 9, Issue 9, pp. 183-192, September 2018.

20. A.Q.M. Sala Uddin Pathan, Md Hasnat Riaz, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Md. Javed Hossain, “Random Forest Classifier Based Approach for Next Generation Sequencing Gene Data Classification”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 904-906, April 2019.

21. Anindya Shubro Chakroborty, Md. Javed Hossain* , S.M. Mostafa Al Mamun, Zahid Hasan Mahmood, “Performance Comparison of Electrical Parameters between GaN FinFET and Si-FinFET Nano Devices”, International Journal of Semiconductor Science & Technology (IJSST), ISSN (P): 2250-1576; ISSN (E) :2278-9405, Vol. 9, Issue1, pp. 1- 12, June 2019.

22. Sree Narayan Chakraborty, Md. Javed Hossain, Ashadun Nobi, Mohammed Nizam Uddin, “Network Structure of Financial Market of S&P500 around Financial Crises”, Iconic Research and Engineering (IRE) Journals, ISSN: 2456-8880, Vol. 3, Issue1, pp. 229-233, July 2019.

23. Md. Javed Hossain, Anindya Shubro Chakroborty, S.M. Mostafa Al Mamun, “Impacts of Variations in Channel Length, Width and Gate Work Function of GaN FinFET and Si-FinFET on Essential Electrical Parameters“, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER), ISSN (P): 2250-155X; ISSN (E) :2278-943X, Vol. 9, Issue2, pp. 29-42, December 2019.

24. Syful Islam, Ratnadip Kuri, Md. Javed Hossain, Dr. Humayun Kabir, “Building a secure model of e-Medication management system for optimum pharmaceuticals safety”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1947- 5500, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 164-172, March 2020.

Conference Proceedings:

1. Md. Javed Hossain, Kyung-Won Jang, Ho-Sung Park, Sung-Kwun Oh, Tae-Chon Ahn, “A new approach of Fuzzy Inference System with the aid of SAHN based
algorithm”, proceedings of the 20th Korean Automatic Control Conference (KACC), Intelligent Systems, pp. 712-716, 20~22 Oct. 2005, South Korea.

2. Md. Hasnat Riaz, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Md. Fahidul Islam Shaon and Md. Javed Hossain, “Implementation and Comparison of Routing Protocol RIVER with
other VANET Protocols”, 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT), IEEE Conference Publication
(IEEE Xplore Digital Library), pp. 1-4, 22~24 September 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Experiences and Activities