Musfica Tanzin
Lecturer | |
Master of Arts (University of Dhaka) Bachelor of Arts (University of Dhaka) |
[email protected] | |
+8801521428534 | |
Blood Group: A+ | |
Joining Date : 2023-06-08 | |
Research Interests: Concept of sustainability, green and sustainable libraries, Information Seeking Behaviour Sustainable Library Systems and Services, Artificial Intelligence, Information and communication technology, LIS education. |
About Musfica Tanzin
1. Tanzin, M., & Atikuzzaman, M. (2024). Towards achieving a sustainable academic library: Users' awareness and perceptions in a developing country. IFLA Journal, 03400352241276841. 2. Tanzin, M., & Hoq, K. M. G. (2024). Transforming the Dhaka University Library into a Green Library: Opportunities and Challenges. Electronic Green Journal, 1(49). |