Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management

Academic Profile of Pinaki Chowdhury

Pinaki Chowdhury

About Pinaki Chowdhury

Experienced academician with a demonstrated history of working in the forest and environmental services industry. Skilled in Research, Forest Inventory, Forest engineering, Biodiversity conservation, Wastewater utilization, Sustainable Forest Management and Project management. Strong education professional with a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) focused in Human Resource Management from Bangladesh Institute of Management.


A. Journal Articles:

1. Hoque ME, Chowdhury KJ, Dutta S, Chowdhury P, Ray TK, Das S, Akhter J (2021) Status and productivity of tea estates of the Chattogram tea-valley, Bangladesh. International Journal of Biosciences, 18(3), 251-260. DOI:10.12692/ijb/18.3.251-260

2. Alam MR, Hossain MS, Chowdhury P, Siddiquee AH, Alam MB, Ullah MS, Reza S (2020) Assessment of Food Security Status and the Determinants of Food Security in Selected Households from Coastal Area of Noakhali, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11(9), 210-217. DOI: 10.37506/ijphrd.v11i9.11011

3. Das S, Dutta S, Chowdhury P, Ray TK, Chowdhury KJ, & Saha N (2020) Residents’ Dependency on Forest Resources: A Case Study on Ratargul Freshwater Swamp Forest of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology, 13(2), 51-64. DOI: 10.9734/ajee/2020/v13i230180

4. Chowdhury P, Sonet SS, Sarker MMH, Ray TK, Dutta S, Das S, Kabir MM, Hossain MA, Hossain MK (2020) Status of commercial and non-commercial tree species of Sitapahar Reserve Forest of Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 16(4), 173-183.

5. Mree CL, Das S, Ray TK, Chowdhury P, Saha N (2020) Residents’ perception of ecotourism in Ratargul Freshwater Swamp Forest of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 5(3), 1-11. DOI: 10.9734/ajraf/2020/v5i330083

6. Alam MR, Habib MA, Chowdhury P, Shill LC, Al Mamun MA (2019) Determination of ascorbic acid concentration in commercially available fruit drinks in Bangladesh. Asian Food Science Journal, 13(3),1-6. DOI: 10.9734/afsj/2019/v13i330112

7.  Sarker MMH, Sonet SS, Hossen T, Rahman MM, Haque SMS, Chowdhury P, Chowdhury KJ, Tasneem A, Kabir MM (2019) Weeding effects on soil physico-chemical properties in artificial hill plantation. Biodiversity International Journal, 3(6): 287-291. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00156

8. Chowdhury P, Hossain MK, Hossain MA, Dutta S, Ray TK (2017) Status, Wood Properties and Probable Uses of Lesser Used Species Recorded from Sitapahar Reserve Forest of Bangladesh. Indian Forester, 143(12):1241-1248.

9. Dutta S, Hossain MK, Hossain MA, Chowdhury P (2014) Exotic Plants and their Usage by Local Communities in the Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-Park, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Forest Research, 4(1): 1-9. DOI: 10.4172/21689776.1000136

10. Dutta S, Hossain MK, Hossain MA, Chowdhury P (2014) Floral diversity of Sitakunda botanical garden and eco-park in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 22(2): 106-118.

11. Dutta S, Hossain MK, Chowdhury P (2014) Non wood forest resources of Sitakunda botanical garden and eco-park, Chittagong, Bangladesh. International  Journal of Forest Usufructs Management, 15 (2): 101-109.

Experiences and Activities

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh (From September 2018 to Present)

2. Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh (From September 2018 to September 2020)

3. Instructor, Forestry Science and Technology Institute, Chittagong, Bangladesh (From March 2016 to September 2018)

4. Associate Researcher, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh (From January 2014 to March 2016)