Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Agriculture

Academic Profile of Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan

Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan

About Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan


Research publications

  1. Mishra A., Wickneswari R., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Jena K.K., Shamsudin N A A. 2021. Broad spectrum blast resistance alleles in newly developed Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa L.).  Euphytica, 217:1-17. (IF 1.62)
  2. Rana M., Islam M.M., Bhuiyan M.A.R. 2020. Effectiveness of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield parameters of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Asian Australas. J. Food Saf. Secur. 4(2): 41-48.
  3. Mat N.C.H., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Yaakob, Z., Wickneswari R. 2020. Full diallel crosses in superior parents of Jatropha curcus L. Industrial Crops and Products,151(2020), 112482. (IF 4.244
  4. Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Wickneswari R. 2018. Estimation of broad sense heritability for yield and yield related traits in rice derived by wide hybridization between Oryza rufipogon Griff. And Oryza sativa cv. MR219. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU), 2(1):35-41.
  5. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Mohsin G.M., Narimah M.K., Wickneswari R. 2017. Analysis of GXE interaction and mega environment identification using rice transgressive variants derived from an inter-specific cross. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU), 1 (2): 19-26.
  6. Billah M.M., Hossain S., Hossen K., Bhuiyan M.A.R. 2017. Factors influencing adaptation of farming practices by the coastal farmers in response to climate change.Int.J.Agron. Agri. R.11(5), p.16-23.
  7. Hossain M.K., Jena K.K., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R. 2016. Association between QTLs and morphological traits toward sheath blight resistant in rice (Oryza sativa L). Breed. Sci. 66(4):613-626.doi:10.1270/jsbbs.15154
  8. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Narimah M.K., Abdul Rahim H., Abdullah M.Z., Wickneswari R. 2011. Transgressive variants for red pericarp grain with high yield potential derived from Oryza rufipogon x Oryza sativa: Field evaluation, screening for blast disease, QTL validation and background marker analysis for agronomic traits. Field Crop Research.121:232-239.(IF 2.55, Q1)
  9. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Salam M.A., Rahman M.S., Newaz M.A. and Gregorio G.B. 2008. Effect of Salinity on Height and Tolerance level of Rice seedling stage. Int. J. BioRes. 4(2):13-20.
  10. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Salam M.A., Azad A.K., Islam M.S. and Adorada, D. 2008. Effect of Salt on Shoot Biomass at Seedling Stage in Rice under different controlled environment. Int. J. Sustain. Agril.Tech.4(2):1-5.
  11. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Islam M.R., Salam M.A., Tumimbang E. and Gregorio G.B. 2008. Efficiency of SSR Markers linked to salinity tolerance in rice. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 1(1): 64-70.
  12. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Salam M.A., Newaz M.A. and Gregorio G.B. 2005. Effect of Sodium salt on seedling growth of two breeding populations in rice. Int. J. Sustain. Agril.Tech.1 (6): 8-11.
  13. Hidayah N., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Senan S., Yaakob Z., Wickneswari R. 2015. Selection of Jatropha curcus L. Accessions for Elite Hybrid Seed Production. Sains Malaysiana. 44(11): 1567-1572.
  14. Hossain M.K., Tze O.S, Nadarajah K.K, Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R. 2014.Identification of sheath blight resistant donors in rice against Malaysian Rhizoctonia solani field isolate. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 36(4):482-490. (IF 0.99).
  15. Wickneswari R. & Bhuiyan M.A.R. 2014. Exploiting wild accessions for development of new rice genotypes for high yield. Malays.  Appl. Biol. 43(2): 89-95.
  16. Nur Azreen M, Senan S., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R. 2014. Estimation of Genetic diversity estimation and identification of potential genotype for two-line hybrid rice production. Malays.  Appl. Biol. 43(2): 81-88.
  17. Ngu M.S., Thomson M.J., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Ho C. and Wickneswari R. 2014. Fine Mapping of a Grain Weight QTL qGW6 using near Isogenic Line Derived from oryza rufipogon x Oryza sativa cultivar MR219. Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):9477-9488.
  18. Fasahat P., Kharidah M., Aminah A., Bhuiyan M.A.R.,  Ngu M.S., Gauch H.G., Wickneswari R. 2014. Genotype × environment assessment for grain quality traits in rice. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science 9 (2), 71–82.
  19. Rahim H.A., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Saad A., Azhar M. and Wickneswari R. 2013. Identification of virulent pathotypes causing rice blast disease (Magnaporthe oryzae) and study on single nuclear gene inheritance of blast resistance in F2 population derived from Pongsu Seribu 2 × Mahshuri. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 7(11):1597-1607 (IF 0.78, Q2).
  20. Rahim H.A., Lim L.S., Sabu K.K, Saad A., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Azhar M. and Wickneswari R. 2012. Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Blast Resistance in Bc2f3 and Bc2f5 Advanced Backcross Families of Rice. Genet. Mol. Res. 11(3): 3277-3289. (IF 1.01 Q4)
  21. Wickneswari R.,  Bhuiyan M.A.R., Sabu K.K., Lim L.S., Thomson M.J., Narimah M.K., Abdullah M. Z. 2012. Identification and validation of quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in advanced backcross breeding lines derived from Oryza rufipogon x Oryza sativa cultivar MR219. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 30:929-939. (IF 5.319, Q1)
  22. Karupaiah T., Aik C.K., Heen T.C., Subramaniam S., Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Fasahat P., Zain A.M. and Ratnam W. 2011. A transgressive brown rice mediates favourable glycaemic and insulin responses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91: 1951-1956.(IF 1.759, Q1)
  23. Islam M.R., Salam M. A., Aditya T. L., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Rahman M.A., Rahman M.S., Khatun S. and Ahmed H.U.  2008. Improvement of rice genotypes for salt affected areas of Bangladesh. Intl. J. BioRes.4 (5):81-85.
  24. Islam M.R., Salam M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Rahman M.A. and Gregorio G.B. 2008. Participatory Variety Selection for salt tolerant rice. Intl. J. BioRes.4 (3):21-25.
  25. Islam M.R., Salam M.A., Bhuiyan M. A. R., Rahman M. A., Yasmeen R., Rahman M. S., Uddin M.K., G.B. Gregorio and A. M. Ismail. 2008.BRRI dhan47: A salt tolerant rice variety for boro season isolated through participatory variety selection. Intl. J. BioRes., 5(1):1-6.
  26. Biswas P.S., Sarker U, Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Khatun S. 2006. Genetic Divergence in Cold Tolerant Irrigated Rice (Oryza sativa L.).The Agriculturists 4(1&2): 15-20.
  27. Islam M.R., Salam M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.R., and Biswas P.S. 2006. Combining Ability Analysis in Fine Grain Rice. Bangladesh J. Pl Breed.Genet., 19(2): 49-52.
  28. Islam M.R., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Salam M.A and Faruquei M.A.B. 2003. Genetic Diversity in Rainfed lowland rice. SAARC Jn. Of Agri. 1, 45-50.
  29. Islam M.R., Iftekharuddaula K.M., Akter K., Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Salam M.A. 2001. Genotype-location interaction and phenotypic stability of Rainfed Lowland rice genotypes. Bangladesh J. Pl Breed.Genet.14 (2): 21-26.
  30. Islam M.R., Salam M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Bashar M.K. 2001. Combining ability analysis in rice. Bangladesh J. Pl Breed. Genet., 14(1): 15-20.
  31. Islam M.R., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Islam M.F., Sultana S., and Prasad B.1999. Effect of salt on germination and seedling growth in Rapeseed and Mustard varities. Journal of Agricultural education and Technology. 2(2): 93-96.
  32. Mishra A, Wickneswari R, Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Ponaya A, and Jena K.K. 2015. Single spore isolation and morphological characterization of local Malaysian isolates of rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. In: AIP conference proceedings 1678.
  33. Hossain M. K., Jena K, Bhuiyan, M.A.R. and Wickneswari R. 2014. Development of pyramidal lines with two major QTLs conferring resistance to sheath blight in rice (Oryza sativa). In: AIP conference proceedings 1614.
  34. Hossain M.K., Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Wickneswari R. 2013. Allelic diversity based on microsatellite markers linked to sheath blight resistance in rice (Oryza sativa). In: 7th International Rice Genetic Symposium, 5-8 Nov. Dusit Thani hotel, Manila, Philippines.
  35. Hossain M.K., Bhuiyan M.A.R. and Wickneswari R. 2013. Evaluation of rice sheath blight resistant cultivars against Malaysian Rhizoctonia solani pqthotype. In: 1st National LRGS food security rice research colloquium, 31Jan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.
  36. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Narimah M.K., Abdullah M.Z., Wickneswari R., 2012.GxE interaction analysis and mega environment identification using GGE biplot analysis.In: Seminar UR-UKM ke 7, 2012, 8-10 October, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.
  37. Hossain M.K., Akter, A. , Bhuiyan M.A.R.,  Suriyawan K., Rungrat T., Choomsai A.,  Aik C.K., and  Wickneswari R. 2012. Hybrid performance in cytoplasmic male sterility based three-line and thermosensitive genic male sterility based two-line hybrid breeding systems in rice (Oryza sativa L.). in: 6th International Hybrid Rice Symposium, 10-12 September, Hyderabad, India.
  38. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Narimah M.K., Rahim A.H., Abdullah M.Z., Karupaia T. and Wickneswari R., 2012. High yielding red rice: Genes from the wild rice to cultivar. In: Plant Biology Congress 2012, 29 July-3 Aug, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
  39. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Fasahat P., Rahim A.H., Abdullah M.Z. Narimah M.K. and  Wickneswari, R., 2010. A promising rice transgressive variant for high yield with desired physical properties of grain and resistance to blast disease. In: The 3rd International Rice Congress 2010, 8-12 November 2010. Hanoi, Vietnam.
  40. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R., Narimah M.K., Abdullah M.Z. & Site Noorzuraini A.R. 2009. Multi-Environmental trial of new rice genotypes in Malaysia.In: Agro-environment: Adapting to climate change uncertainties through sustainable agriculture. Proc 2nd national conference on Agro-Environment 2009, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, pp 225-229.
  41. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R., Narimah M.K., & Abdullah M.Z. 2009. Rice genotypes with high yield and short growth duration derived from O. rufipogon and Malaysian rice cultivar MR219.In: The 6th International Rice Genetics Symposium 2009, Manila, Philippines, 16-19 November 2009.
  42. Bhuiyan M.A.R., Wickneswari R., Narimah M.K. & Abdullah M.Z. 2008. Evaluation of some advanced breeding lines for yield and yield related traits in rice.In: Prosiding Kolokium siswazah ke-8, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, pp 523-526.
  43. Salam M.A., Islam M.R., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Khan A.A. and Faruquei M.A.B. 2002. Participatory Variety Selection: An initiation in Bangladesh. In: Breeding rainfed rice for drought-prone environments: integrating conventional and participatory plant breeding in south and south east Asia: Proceedings of a DFID plant science research program/IRRI conference, (Witcombe J R et.al.Ed.) IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
  44. Salam, M.A., Seraj Z.I., Aditya T.L., Islam M.R., Rahman M.S., Rahman M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.R., Uddin M.K., Mandal M.K., Ismail A.M., Adorada D., Mendoza R.D., Tumimbang-Raiz E.B. and Gregorio G.B.. The trial of rice Varietal development with crop management for the coastal wetland of Bangladesh. Paper presented in Bangkok, Thailand.
  45. Wickneswari R., Bhuiyan MAR, Wong KK and Siohong T. 2013. Red Rice (Oryza sativa L.). In: Abdullah A. Eds. Plant Biodiversity–based research, innovation and business opportunity 1. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.pp.65-75.

Poster / Product presentation

  1. Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Narimah, M.K. Fasahat, P., Abdullah, M.Z. Rahim, A.H., & Wickneswari, R. 2010. Transgressive variants with red pericarp grain. In: National Rice Conference 2010, 28-30 June 2010. Swiss garden hotel, Lumut, Perak, Malaysia (Winner of the best poster award).
  2. Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Fasahat, P., Rahim, A.H., Abdullah, M.Z. Narimah, M.K. & Wickneswari, R. 2011. Rice transgressive variants with red pericarp grain.  Research Day 2011, Universiti Malaysia Terenganu, Terenganu, Malaysia (Gold winner).
  3. Wickneswari, R., Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Fasahat, P., Abdullah, M.Z., Rahim, A.H., Narimah, M.K., Aminah, A., Kharidah, M., Karupaiah, T., Aik, C.K., Heen, T.C. 2011. Superior red rice with low glycaemic index (GI). 3-5 May, Bioinnovation Aaward 2011, KL convention centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Silver winner).
  4. Wickneswari, R., Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Fasahat, P., Abdullah, M.Z., Rahim, A.H., Narimah, M.K., Aminah, A., Kharidah, M., Aik, C.K., Heen, T.C., Karupaiah, T. 2011. Superior red rice with low GI. 13-15 Sept, PECIPTA 2011, KL convention centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Bronze winner).

Experiences and Activities

Experiences in Research:

  • Promoting climate smart agriculture using new crop variety
  • Crop variety (Rice, Vegetables) development for saline and drought prone areas
  • Mitigate the effect of climate change using cultural practices, specially for saline, drought, tidal and flash flood areas
  • Rice variety development for high yield and low glycaemic index (Diabetic rice)
  • Rescue the marginal farmers economically from the loss of crop production due to climate change through homestead gardening
  • Developing crop gene bank

Experiences in Teaching for the following courses:

Plant Breeding, Molecular Breeding, Quantitative Genetics,  Conservation and Management of Genetic Resources, Diversity of Plant Genetic Resources,Statistical Analysis for Biology, Biometry and Experimental Design, Soil physics and Soil chemistry, Introductory Soil science, Introduction to Coastal Agriculture, Climate change and Agriculture, Plant physiology and Embryology


Research Achievement:

Co-researcher for the development of 5 (Five) rice varieties released by Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI):

  1. BRRI dhan40 (salt tolerant in rainfed lowland ecosystem)
  2. BRRI dhan41 (salt tolerant in rainfed lowland ecosystem)
  3. BRRI dhan46 (tolerant for flood prone environment)
  4. BRRI dhan47 (salt tolerant in irrigated ecosystem)
  5. BRRI dhan49 (rainfed environment)

Co-researcher for Rice New Plant Variety (NPV) in Malaysia

  1. UKMRC2 - White rice, High yield (Commercialized)
  2. UKMRC3  - White rice, High yield
  3. UKMRC4 - White rice, High yield
  4. UKMRC8 - White rice, High yield, Short duration (Commercialized)
  5. UKMRC9 - Red rice, High yield (Commercialized)
  6. UKMRC10 - Red rice, High yield 

Research Interest:

  • Rice germplasm evaluation and new variety development for favorable and unfavorable conditions through conventional and molecular breeding approaches
  • Breeding and development of new rice variety for quality and nutrient enriched grain
  • Evaluation, breeding and development of low glycaemic index (GI) rice
  • Identification and breeding horticultural crops suitable for coastal region