Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of Professor Md. Jahangir Sarker, Ph.D.

Professor Md. Jahangir Sarker, Ph.D.

About Professor Md. Jahangir Sarker, Ph.D.


List of Peer-reviewed selected papers:

Year  2019

1. Nashid Sultana, Md. Jahangir Sarker and Md. Amin Ullah Palash. A Study on the Determination of Heavy Metals in Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds of Mymensingh.. Bangladesh Maritime Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 143-149. http://bsmrmu.edu.bd/journal-bmj/index.php

A Study on the Determination of Heavy Metals in Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds of Mymensingh.

Nashid Sultana, Md. Jahangir Sarker and Md. Amin Ullah Palash. Bangladesh Maritime Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 143-149. http://bsmrmu.edu.bd/journal-bmj/index.php   

Year 2018

2. M Jakir Hossain, M Jahangir Sarker, M Nagim Uddin, Ariful Islam, Israt Jahan Tumpa, Zakir Hossain. Macrobenthos Presence in the Estuarine Waters of the Meghna River, Ramghati, Laksmipur, Bangladesh. World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol. 36 (4): 598-604


Year 2017


3. Nazmun Naher Rima, Md. Mofizur Rahman, Md. Jahangir Sarker* Optimization of 17- alpha Methyltestosterone (MT) Hormone Dose during Masculinization of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fry. 2017. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU):1(2):35-41https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323801017_Optimization_of_17-alpha_Methyltestosterone_MT_Hormone_Dose_during_Masculinization_of_Nile_Tilapia_Oreochromis_niloticus_Fry


Year 2016.

4. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Farhana Binte Rashid and Mehedi Hasan Tanmay.  Assessment of Coastal Water Habitat with Reference to the Variability of Plankton during Spawning Season of Indian River Shad in Greater Noakhali-Bangladesh. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography, Vol. 6,Issue-2.Page:1-9.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306270942_Assessment_of_Coastal_Water_Habitat_with_Reference_to_the_Variability_of_Plankton_during_Spawning_Season_of_Indian_River_Shad_in_Greater_Noakhali-Bangladesh


5. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Md. Shamsul Alam Patwary, AMM Borhan Uddin, Md. Monjurul Hasan, Mehedi Hasan Tanmay, Indrani Kanungo and Mohammed Rashed Parvej. Macrobenthic community structure-an approach to assess coastal water pollution. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Vol, 7, Issue 1, pp 1-10. February 22, 2016.



6. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Indrani Kanongu, Mehedi Hasan Tanmay and Md. Shamsul Alam Patwary. A study on the determination of heavy metals of fish farms in Bangladesh.  Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Vol, 7, Issue 1, pp 1-10. February 29, 2016



7. Md. Jahangir Sarker, AMM Borhan Uddin, Md. Shamsul Alam Patwary, Mehedi Hasan Tanmay and Farhana Rahman.  Livelihood status of Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Fishermen of Greater Noakhali Regions of Bangladesh. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Vol, 7, Issue 2, pp 1-6. April, 18, 2016.



8. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Mehedi Hasan Tanmay, Farhana Rahman, Md. Shamsul Alam Patwary and Nazmun Nahar Rima.  Macrobenthic Community Structure as A Bio-Indicator for the Assessment of Coastal Water Pollution in Greater Noakhali-Bangladesh. Journal of Coastal Zone Management, Vol, 19, Issue 2, pp 1-7. June 03, 2016.



Year 2015

9. Md. Monjurul Hasan, Bhakta Supratim Sarker, Mahabubur Rahman, Md. Shamsul Alam Patwary, Md. Jahangir Sarker, KM Shahriar Nazrul, and Mohammed Rashed Parvej. Present Yield Status, Percentage Composition and Seasonal Abundance of Shark in Two Geographically Important Zones of Bangladesh. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, Vol, 6, Issue 4, pp 1-6. October 17, 2015.



Year 2014

10. Afroza Akter, Md. Jahangir Sarker and Md. Samsuddin. Hatchery operation of Thai koi (Anabus testudineus) in a fresh water fish farm in Bangladesh. Trends in Fisheries Research Vol. 3, Issue 2. pp. 5-10. February, 2014.



      Year 2013

11. Md. Jahirul Islam, Md. Anisuzzaman, Maruf Hossain Minar and Md. Jahangir Sarker. Fish Biodiversity in Dinaputa Haor and its Sorrounding Area of Mohanong Upazila, Netrokona District. Journal of Ocean Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-5. September, 2013. 



12. Md. Jahirul Islam, Md. Anisuzzaman, Md. Jahangir Sarker, Maruf Hossain Minar, Md. Zihad majumdar and Tawfiqul Islam. Floral and Bird Biodiversity of Dingaputa Haor and Its Surrounding Area of Mohangong Upazila, Netrokona District. World Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 70-76, July, 2013.  http://www.sciepub.com/WJAR/abstract/506


        Year 2012

13. Yamamoto, T., Md. Jahangir Sarker, A. Wanishi and O. Kawaguchi. Characteristics of water and sediment quality in SuoNada. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS) Fisheries Environment Committee Symposium on Water Environment and Fisheries of SuoNada. September, 2012.


Year 2011-2004

14. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto, Toyshiya Hashimoto. Contribution of benthic microalgae to the whole water algal biomass and primary production in Suo Nada, the Seto Inland Sea. Journal of Oceanography, Vol, 65: No. pp. 311-323. December, 2009.



15. Yamamoto, T., T. Hashimoto, O. Matsuda, O. Kawaguchi, J. Kittiwanich, Md. Jahangir Sarker, K. Haraguchi & S. Asaoka. Deterioration of sediment quality in Hiroshima Bay: Comparison with the neighboring area, Suo Nada. World Fisheries congress, 6a-05,CD-ROM, 2008.


16. Akira Hoshika, Md. Jahangir Sarker, Sachiko Ishida, Yasufumi Mishima and Noriyuki Takai. Food Web analysis of an eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadow and neighbouring sites in Mitsukuchi bay (Seto Inland Sea, Japan) using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Aquatic Botany, Vol. 85, No. , pp. 191-197, March, 2006.



17. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Functional Roles of Benthic Microalgae in Suo Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Journal of Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 110-111, November, 2006.


18. Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto, Toshiya Hashimoto, Takaya Ohmura. Evaluation of benthic nutrient fluxes and their importance in the pelagic nutrient cycles in Suo Nada, Japan, Fisheries Science, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. 593-604, June, 2005.



19. Md. Shahidul Islam, Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto, Md. Abdul Wahab and Masaru Tanaka. Water and sediment quality, partial mass budget and effluent N loading in coastal brackish water shrimp farms in Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 48, No. , pp. 471-485, June, 2004.



20. Wazed Ali Shah, Md. Jahangir Sarker and Shameem kamal. The Economics of bagda shrimp (Penaeus monodon) farming in coastal areas in Bangladesh. Grassroots Voice: A Journal of Resource and Development. Vol.3, Issues: 1-2, pp. 81-90. June, 2000.



                                                Conference papers

As a Keynote Speaker:


Md. Jahangir Sarker and Nazmun Nahar Rima. 2018. Heavy Metals in Fishes: A Potential Human Health Risk Assessment in Bangladesh. International Summer School Program 2018. UN sustainable Development Goal. Organized by Hiroshima University, Japan.


As a presenter


 Md. Jahangir Sarker, Afsana Kabir Dipty, Karnis Tamanna Akter, Sohana Hossain and Badsha Fahad. Impact of Aquaculture on agricultural productions in greater Noakhali region, Bangladesh. International conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture (ICFA)-Paper ID-ICFA2019176; 22nd – 23rd August 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.


T. Yamamoto, J. Sarker, A. Wanishi and O. Kawaguchi. 2012. Characteristics of water and sediment quality in Suo Nada. Accepted conference paper in Japanese Fisheries Association, Tokyo, Japan on 14 September.


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Akira Hoshika, Terumi Tanimoto and Ichiro Yuasa. 2010. Application of Steel Making Slags for the Remediation of Polluted Coastal Waters. Published conference paper presented in International Conference, Enviro Arabia 2010 at Kingdom of Bahrain, April 18-21 (full length paper presentation).


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Akira Hoshika, Terumi Tanimoto and Ichiro Yuasa. 2009 Sedimentary record of fossil planktonic assemblage and isotopic signature along the coast of Osaka Seaport Area, Japan. Published conference paper presented in International conference organized by the International Conference on Marine Ecosystem (INCOMES 2009) held in Langkawi, Malaysia.  May 26 to 28. (Full length paper presentation)


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto and Toshiya Hashimoto. 2008. Deterioration of sediment quality in Hiroshima Bay: Comparison with the neighboring area, Suo Nada. World Fisheries Congress, October 20-24. Yokohama, Japan (Full length paper presentation).


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto and Toshiya Hashimoto. 2006. Functional Roles of Benthic Microalgae in Suo Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. 136th Annual meeting and conference organized by the American Fisheries Society in Lake Placid, New York, USA September 10-14.   


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto and Toshiya Hashimoto. 2003. Evaluation of benthic nutrient fluxes and their importance in the pelagic nutrient cycles in Suo Nada, Japan organized by the Japanese Society of Oceanography, held on March 28-30, at Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan.


Md. Jahangir Sarker, Tamiji Yamamoto and Toshiya Hashimoto. 2003. Comparison of biomass and primary productivity of benthic microalgae relative to water column primary productivity in Suo Nada, Japan. Joint conference in the association of Plankton and Benthos Society of Japan, November 22-24, at Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan

Sarker, M., Islam, M., Rahman, F., & Anisuzzaman, M. (2021). Heavy Metals in the Fish Tenualosa ilisha Hamilton, 1822 in the Padma–Meghna River Confluence: Potential Risks to Public Health. Toxics9(12), 341.

Sarker, M. J., Polash, A. U., Islam, M. A., Rima, N. N., & Farhana, T. (2020). Heavy metals concentration in native edible fish at upper Meghna River and its associated tributaries in Bangladesh: a prospective human health concern. SN Applied Sciences2(10), 1-13.

Sarker, M. J., Tanmoy, M. H., Islam, M. S., Nazrul, K. M. S., Hossen, S., & Ali, M. M. (2021). Seasonal variation in the coastal water phytoplankton communities and their environmental responses at upstream and downstream of the steep Naf River in the south-western Bay of Bengal. International Journal of Aquatic Biology9(5), 309-325.

SARKER, M. J., BHUIYAN, R., PRIYA, N. J., NAHAR, N., RIMA, N. N., & AKTER, J. (2020). Behavioral patterns related to the marine fish consumption-An analysis of coastal belt households, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries32(2), 343-356.

SARKER, M. J., ADIKARI, S., & AKTER, J. (2020). Assessment of water quality in Shitalakhya river insights from phytoplankton and nutrient regimes. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries32(2), 251-260.

Experiences and Activities

Past work experiences   
Position: Research Scientist-III/Assistant Professor


 Position:  Professor and Chairman;

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science Noakhali Science and Technology University; Sonapur-Noakhali, 3814, Bangladesh;

Tel: +881733910237;

Email:  [email protected] or    [email protected] 0r [email protected]

 Website: www.nstu.edu.bd  or http://fims-nstu.org/   

Duration:: September, 2018- August 2021

Position:  Associate Professor and Chairman;

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science Noakhali Science and Technology University; Sonapur-Noakhali, 3814, Bangladesh;

Tel: +881733910237;

Email:  [email protected] or    [email protected] 0r [email protected]

 Website: www.nstu.edu.bd  or http://fims-nstu.org/   

Duration::  March  15, 2012-  March 14, 2018    

Position: Researcher 

Job Type: Full time permanent Researcher 

Employer: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Institute of Geology and Geoinformation

Location: 3-11-32, Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima             739-0046,         Japan


Tel:+81-82-420-8230; Fax:+81-82-423-7820

Country: Japan

Duration: April 1, 2004- June 30, 2008 (4 Years 3 months)


Position: Research Scientist-III/Assistant Professor

Job Type: Full time permanent Faculty 

Employer: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Location:  31261, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (http://www.kfupm.edu.sa )

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Duration: September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2011 (3 years)

ID No: 7080386


Position: Research Assistant 

Job Type: Full time Project employee  

Employer: World Fish Center (Bangladesh Office)

Location: House22B,Road7,Block-F,Banani,

Dhaka1213, Bangladesh ([email protected])

Country: Bangladesh

Duration: October 19, 1999- February 8, 2001 (1 Year 5 months)  

At King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals:

In addition to assigned course works I measured primary productivity of entire Saudi Coastal waters using 14C techniques. Moreover,  active role for report writing, data analysis for following funded projects were as

1. Task Leader (Saudi Aramco/KFUPM/RI sustaining Research Project; Marine Environmental Studies Phase-V#CEW2344): Ecological study of the Gulf of Salwa, Saudi Arabia.  

2. Task Leader (Saudi Aramco/KFUPM/RI sustaining Research Project; Marine Environmental Studies Phase-V#CEW2344): Measurement of primary productivity 
using 14C radio isotope in entire Saudi coastal waters; identification of planktonic and HAB (harmful algal bloom) organisms in the associated areas.  

3. Task Leader. (Saudi Aramco/KFUPM/RI Red Sea Research Project; identification of planktonic and HAB (harmful algal bloom) organisms in the Red Sea.

4. Key  Member: Water quality monitoring; Environmental and compliance monitoring associated with Saudi Aramco Karan offshore platforms-power and sub-sea pipelinesduring construction.

5. Key Member: Water quality monitoring; Environmental impact assessment for ArabiyahHashbah platforms, power (BI-10-00916) and sub-sea pipelines (BI-10-00916).  

6. Key Member: SAUDI ARAMCO/KFUPM/RI sustaining Research Project-Marine Environmental Studies-Phase-V; Environmental Impact Assessment for the upgrade of crude gathering and power supply facilities.

7. Member: Marine Environmental Monitoring of the Manifa causeway; Environmental Impact Assessment for land filling and reclamation at Ras Tanura Oil Refinery;  

8. Task Leader: Environmental impact study for the Ras Tanura Integrated Project - Dredging; Assessment of Ras Tanura marine environment and bioaccumulation monitoring along the Saudi coastal waters of the Arabian Gulf.  


As a Researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industries Science and Technology (AIST), Japan:

Marine pollution is tightly linked with urbanizations. Iron is produced in accordance with increased population’s demand. Slag (13 million ton per year in Japan), the by-product, has been largely used recently as a road making material or filling material instead of dumping. But no attempts have been taken to apply slag as remediation materials for aquatic environmental pollution. Slag materials which can release inorganic nutrients may provide suitable substrate for the growth of benthic microalgae which ultimately influence higher trophic animals feeding on them. Therefore, my researches involved finding scientific ways for the remediation of coastal water pollution. I targeted the benthic microalgae and reuse of iron making slag for the development of a polluted seaport (Osaka and Kobe sea port, Japan) restoration technology using 13C and 15N stable isotope.   There have been a large number of studies that use diatom in marine sediments to infer past environmental changes in different regions. A number of paleo-environmental studies have associated changes in diatom concentrations or diatom compositional shifts with changes in environmental changes (nutrient enrichment, temperature and habitat preference). However, long records of such environmental variability that may entail the future management strategies through ecosystem functioning are lacking in most regions particularly in the Osaka Bay known as one of the most polluted areas in Japan. Therefore, I carried out intensive research on fossil planktonic assemblages and ecosystem shift; A-50 year record of the Seaport area of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan to predict the future management strategies for the policy makers.            In addition to the above researches, I was involved in other professional activities also. 

As a Research Assistant in ICLARM (now world Fish Center)

 Analyze social & economic benefits to the application of integrated fish/rice culture technology, Analyses how rural women contribute to the small scale fisheries in improving their livelihood, Evaluation of technical manual prepared for the improvement of small scale fisheries practices in Bangladesh through partner organizations (18 nongovernmental organizations (NGO's in 18 districts), Monitoring and evaluation of how NGO's practice and get involve target groups (fish farmers) in aquaculture sectors, Develop concerned questionnaires, Analyses of field data using statistical software’s, Conduct baseline survey, Conduction and evaluation of NGOs’ staff training (technical). Technical Report writing.  

Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Marine Science, Noakhali Science and Technology University

Ongoing and accomplished Research Project with funding agencies (From 2012-  )                                                                                                                            

1. Exploration exogenous enzymes, bivalent efficacy and Omega-3 fatty acid of microbes and small in-vertebrates as potential feed supplement for enhancing fish and shrimp productivity- funded by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)-World Bank, USAID and Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.

Funding Year: October 15, 2019-June 30 2021

Project Value: 11900000 BDT/1,40,505 U$$

Status: Ongoing

2.  Energy transfer pathways from primary producers to Hilsha shad (Tenualosa ilisha) in Meghna river estuary-funded by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh.

Funding Year: July, 2018-June 2021

Project Value: 6+7+7= 20 Lac BDT/23810 U$$

Status: Ongoing

3. Impact of aquaculture on agricultural productions in greater Noakhali districts (3) funded by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)-World Bank, USAID and Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh.

Funding Year: May 2017-September 2018

Project Value:  4055745 BDT/48000 U$$

Status: Completed

4.  Growth Performance of Indian Major Carps (IMCs) using wild sources quality spawns in greater Noakhali Region funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

Funding Year: July 2012-June 2014

Project Value:  1200000 BDT/15350 U$$

Status: Completed

5. Conservation of local fish varieties through establishing sanctuaries and changing fishing practices of selected communities of Fakirhat upazila under Bagerhat and Gopalgonj districts in Bangladesh funded by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, BFRI, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh.

Funding Year: July 2012-June 2013

Project Value:  800000 BDT/9447 U$$

Status: Completed