Rajesh Kumar Das
Assistant Professor | |
MA (University of Dhaka) BA (University of Dhaka) |
[email protected] | |
+8801743148055 | |
Blood Group: A+ | |
Joining Date : 2017-09-11 | |
Research Interests:
His primary research interests are: information behavior, information retrieval, IDEA, science of science and qualitative methodologies. The goal of his current research is to address information philosophy, equity, and justice related issues into the information science field. |
About Rajesh Kumar Das
Rajesh Kumar Das is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Information Sciences at the Noakhali Science and Technology University of Bangladesh. Mr. Das did his bachelor and master’s from University of Dhaka. He was awarded the faculty's "Deans Merit List of Honour-2016" for outstanding result from University of Dhaka. His primary research interests focus on the linkages among scientific domains, epistemologies, metascience to address information equity, diversity justice related issues. He has also conducted concurrent research in information behavior, data science, artificial intelligence, information retrieval and scholarly communication. His research has resulted in peer reviewed publications in journals i.e. JISTaP, IJLIS, AJIST, and conferences.
He is an active member of a range of forums on Information Science and is engaged in serving the information science community both in Bangladesh and internationally through different volunteer and leadership positions. He is currently serving as Newsletter Officer of the ASIS&T SIG-III (2020-21) and Research Editor of The Librarian Times (TLT) since 2016. He is a member of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), Bangladesh Association for Librarians Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID). He has been a part of various professional responsibilities e.g., curriculum committee member, mentor, advisor etc. He is also active in organizing conferences, serving as session chair in conferences, ad-hoc reviewer in Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (JlSTaP), Informing Science, ASIS&T annual meeting etc.
He especially enjoys teaching a wide range of courses including: Information Retrieval, Knowledge Organization, Media & Communication, Information Ethics, Information Architecture, Research Methodology and Bibliometrics, Informetrics & Webometrics. He incorporates inquiry-based and active-learning methods into his courses, and continually seeks new ways to engage and motivate students in his classroom. His academic profile can be found: https://nstu.edu.bd/faculty-member/rajesh-kumar-das-dau242 .
Refereed Journal Articles
Conference Paper
Refereed Abstracts