Rayhan Ahmed
Lecturer | |
B. Sc. Ag.(Hons.) (Patuakhali Science and Technology University) M.S. in Agricultural Botany (Patuakhali Science and Technology University) |
[email protected] | |
+8801717402875 | |
Blood Group: B+ | |
Joining Date : 2018-09-12 | |
Research Interests:
Plant stress physiology |
About Rayhan Ahmed
Completed his B.Sc. in Agriculture from Patuakhali Science and Technology Unioversity in 2014 and M.S. in Agricultural Botany From the same University In 2016. Currently working as Lecturer in the Department of Agriculture of Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh.
1. Ahmed, R., Howlader, M. H. K., Shila, A., & Haque, M. A. (2017). Effect of salinity on germination and early seedling growth of maize. Progressive Agriculture, 28(1), 18-25. 2. Shila, A., Haque, M. A., Ahmed, R., & Howlader, M. H. K. (2016). Effect of different levels of salinity on germination and early seedling growth of sunflower. World Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 048-053. 3. Habib, M.A., Howlader, M. H. K., Mallik, M. R., Hasan, M. M., Bhuyan, M. I., Shila, A., Ahmed, R., & Nabi, A. J. M. N. (2018). Effect of Different Organic Manures on Growth and Yield of Cabbage. International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences, 3(11), 1-10. 4. Osman, M. A., Hossen, K., Chowdhury, R. H., Tabassum, C. N., Islam, M. K., Ahmed, R., & Ferdous, T. (2020). Assessment of Different Weed Control Methods on Growth and Yield Performance of T. Aus Rice. Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J., 24(3), 556267. 5. Hossen, K., Sultana, S., Rahman, M. M., Rana, R. A., Ferdous, T., Shila, A., & Ahmed, R. (2020). Interactive effect of variety and potassium fertilizer on the yield of salt-tolerant Boro rice. Asian Australas. J. Biosci. Biotechnol, 5(1), 21-26. 6. Rahman, M. Z., Ahmed, R., Shila, A., Hasan, M. M., & Howlader, M. H. K. (2019). Interactive effects of irrigation and flobond on growth and yield of BRRI dhan29. Progressive Agriculture, 30(2): 165-172. 7. Hossen, K., Sohag, M. I. H., Sunny, N. J., Sojib, M. R., Ferdous, T., Shila, A., & Ahmed, R. (2020). Interaction of variety and urea fertilizer and its impact on salt-tolerant Boro rice in the coastal area of Bangladesh. Asian Australas. J. Food Saf. Secur, 4(1), 1-7. 8. Islam, M. M., Ahmed, R., Shila, A., Jhan, P. K., Nuruzzaman, M., & Fahim, M. M. B. (2019). Assessing salt tolerance level of soybean during germination and seedling stage. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University, 3(1 &2), 8-14. |