Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management

Academic Profile of Shahriar Md. Arifur Rahman

Shahriar Md. Arifur Rahman

About Shahriar Md. Arifur Rahman

Mr. Shahriar Md Arifur Rahman received his B.Sc. and MS in Environmental Science from the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong. He then pursued an MSc in Climate Change from the University of East Anglia, UK. He joined the Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali Science and Technology University as a Lecturer in March 2014. He was promoted to Assistant Professor in March 2016. His research interest includes Geospatial Analysis and modeling, Science of Climate change, Climate change policy development and international negotiation, Coastal Geomorphology, Organic Carbon in the mangroves, etc. Until 2020, he has supervised 31 Undergraduate and Graduate level students at NSTU.


Journal Articles 

Siddique, M. A. M., Uddin, A., Rahman, S. M. A., Rahman, M., Islam, M. S., Kibria, G. 2022. Microplastics in an anadromous fish Hilsa shad from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 174 (2022) 113236. Elsevier. (IF: 5.553).

Shahriar, S.A., Siddique, M.A.M. & Rahman, S.M.A. 2021. Climate change projection using statistical downscaling model over Chittagong Division, Bangladesh. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 133(4), 1409-1427 Springer. (IF: 2.204).

Rahman, S.M.A., G.S. Robin, M. Momotaj, J. Uddin, M.A.M. Siddique. 2020. Occurrence and spatial distribution of microplastics in the sediments of the world’s longest beach, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 160 (2020) 111587. Elsevier (IF: 5.553).

Siddique, M.A.M., M. Rahman, Rahman, S.M.A., M. R. Hassan, Z. Fardous, M.A.Z. Chowdhury, M.B. Hossain. 2020. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the surficial sediments from the lower Meghna River estuary, Noakhali coast, Bangladesh. International Journal of Sediment Research. 36 (3), p 384-391. Elsevier (IF: 2.577).

Das, R. S., M. Rahman, N. P. Sufian, RahmanS.M.A.and M.A.M. Siddique. Assessment of soil salinity in the accreted and non-accreted land and its implication on the agricultural aspects of the Noakhali coastal region, Bangladesh. 2020. Heliyon 6 (2020) e04926. Cell Press.

Rahman, S. M. A., Tasmin, S., Uddin, M.K., Islam, M.T., Sujauddin, M. 2014. Climate Change Awareness among the High School Students: Case Study from a Climate Vulnerable Country. International Journal for Built Environment and Sustainability. 1(1)/2014, p 18-26.


Conference Articles

Mohinuzzaman M., Mostofa K.M.G., Liu C-Q., Rahman S.M.A., Islam, M.S. 2020. Spatial variations and characteristics of fluorescent DOM in inland surface waters over four climatic zones of China. 7th International Conference on Natural Science and Technology. 27-28 March, 2020, Asian University for Women, Chottogram, Bangladesh (Oral presentation).

Hoque, M.N. and Rahman, S.M.A. 2020. GIS-Based Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Meghna River Course: a 30-year scenario. International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST 2020). 25 - 30 January 2020. Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Oral presentation).

Shahriar. S.A., Noor, S. and Rahman, S.M.A. 2019. Climate change projections over Dhaka City Corporation using statistical downscaling of GCM. International Conference on Environmental Science and Resource Management: Safe Environment for Better Living (ICESRM 2019). 7-8 February, 2019 Dept. of Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh. (Oral presentation).

Rahman, S.M.A. and Karmakar, A. 2013. Vulnerability to climate change: a case study on Banshkhali Upazila, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Gazipur 2013. Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013). 14-16 November, 2013. Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. (Oral presentation).

Tasmin, S. and Rahman, S.M.A. 2013. The role of textbooks on increasing the climate change awareness level among the secondary level students of Bangladesh. Gazipur 2013. Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013). 14-16 November, 2013. Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. (Oral presentation).

Sujauddin, M., Rahman, S.M.A. and Murakami, S. 2011. Existing solid waste recycling system of Bangladesh and its future. Sardinia 2011. Proceedings of Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. 3 - 7 October 2011. S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy. (Oral presentation)


Experiences and Activities

2020/2021 Courses

ESDM 3205     Climate Change

ESDM 3209     Remote Sensing

ESDM 4205     Environmental Modelling

ESDM 5103     GIS in Natural Resource Management   

MAR 5209       Marine Remote Sensing and GIS (Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Science)

OCN 4205       Ocean Modelling (Dept. of Ocenography)


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/view/shahsslate/


Research Projects

Current Projects:

  • July, 2020- June, 2021; Principal Investigator

Project: Occurrence and spatial distribution of microplastics pollution in the Karnaphuli River, Chittagong, Bangladesh (Grant No. ESD/RC-70, Research Cell, NSTU)

Description: Investigation of the amount, nature and source of microplastics present in the Karnaphuli River water and sediments along with their spatial and seasonal distribution pattern.


  • July 2020-July 2021; Associate Investigator

Project: Public health hazard related to chronic exposure to the saline drinking water in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: the role of trace heavy metals and dissolved organic matter (Grant No. ES 368, Special Allocation for Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh)

Description: Characterization of humic substances in groundwater along the coastal areas of Bangladesh using EEM-PARAFAC modeling. Then identifying the influence of salinity on DOM characteristics and trace metals concentrations. Finally, the assessment of health hazards due to long term exposure to saline drinking water in the coastal areas.


Previous Projects:

  • July, 2019- June, 2020; Principal Investigator

Project: Assessing the Blue Carbon Stock of Nijhum Dwip National Park, Hatiya, Bangladesh. (Grant No. NSTU/RC/20/A-30; Research Cell, NSTU)

Description: Measurement of the ecosystem carbon stock i.e. above ground and below ground carbon, soil carbon of forest stands of Nijhum Dwip National Park, an artificial mangrove forest raised in 1970s. The project will show how an artificial mangrove in an island can contribute to store blue carbon through its terrestrial ecosystem.


  • July, 2019- June, 2020; Principal Investigator

Project: Modelling of Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Protected Areas: A Case Study in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary. (Grant No. NSTU/RC/20/B-85; Research Cell, NSTU).

Description: Based on the past and current land use pattern, future land use scenarios for Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary are projected from the satellite imageries using Land Change Modeler. The amount of carbon sequestrated are estimated using InVEST Model. The carbon storage potential of protected areas managed under the co-management scenario will be determined.


  • July, 2018- June, 2019; Principal Investigator

Project: Climate change projections for Bangladesh: a statistical downscaling approach with a spatio-temporal analysis using SDSM regional climate model and GIS. (Grant No. NSTU/RC/19/B-63; Research Cell, NSTU).

Description: SDSM is a decision support tool for the assessment of climate change impacts. The scenarios produced from this study using SDSM tool could act as a guide to the policymakers of Bangladesh to help them undertake informed sectorial planning decisions for mitigations and adaptation.