Shamima Yesmin
Assistant Professor | |
BA Hons (University of Dhaka) MA (University of Dhaka) |
[email protected] | |
+8801727184438 | |
Blood Group: B+ | |
Joining Date : 2016-09-19 | |
Research Interests:
Information Retrieval, Social Informatics, Digital Librarianship, Data Mining, Information Literacy, Knowledge Management.
About Shamima Yesmin
Ms. Shamima Yesmin obtained her BA (Hons.) and MA degree from the Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka securing the highest CGPA (1st position in both of her degrees) in her batch. She has also achieved the most prestigious academic awards ‘Dean Meritorious Award’ in Honors and “Dean Award of Honor’ in Masters from the Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka. She joined as a faculty member in the Institute of Information Sciences (IIS) at Noakhali Science & Technology University (NSTU) in 2016. Before starting her carrier as a faculty member, she also served as an Information Manager at East-West University, a top-ranked private university in Bangladesh. At present, she serves as an Assistant Professor in IIS, NSTU.
Habiba, U., Yesmin, S.& Akhter, R.(2022) Information seeking behavior of faculty members during research at a public university setting in Bangladesh. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 42(1). |
Yesmin, S., & Ahmed, S. Z. (2021). Infodemic surrounding COVID-19: Can LIS students recognize and categorize problematic information’ types on social media? Digital Library Perspectives, Emerald Insight. |
Basak, S., & Yesmin, S. (2020). Students’ attitudes towards library overdue fines in an academic library: A study in a private university setting in Bangladesh. IFLA Journal, SAGE 0340035220944948. |
Yesmin, S., & Abdul Karim (2020). Professionalism in using online social networking tool: an assessment of LIS students’ Facebook profiles. Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services, The Research Publication. 10 (2), 10-13. |
Yesmin, S., & Ahmed, S. Z. (2019). Early career academics’ understanding of library language. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. Emerald Insight 69(3), 171-187. https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-03-2019-0034 |
Yesmin, S. (2019). Assessing Institution’s Footprint in Web 2.0: A Comparative Analysis of University Library Websites in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology. The Research Publication. 9(2), 10-16 |
Ahmed, S. Z., & Yesmin, S. (2019). Information skills of librarians working at public universities in Bangladesh: a task-based analysis of pre-and post-training performance scores. International Information & Library Review, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 51(3), 239-246. |
Yesmin, S. (2019). Accessibility of Internet Based Electronic Resources: A Content Analysis of Public and Private University Library Websites in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services, The Research Publication. 9(2), 28-33. |
Yesmin, S., & Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2016). University students’ preference for searching the library catalog: OPAC or discovery tool?. The Electronic Library, Emerald Insight. 34(4) |
Begum, D., & Yesmin, S. (2015). Marketing trends of library and information services and products in university libraries: A case study of East West University, Bangladesh. Academic Discourse 4(2), 92-102 |