Sonia Afrin Ale
Assistant Professor | |
Master of Social Science (University of Dhaka) Bachelor of Social Science (University of Dhaka) Master of Art (Central Michigan University, USA) |
[email protected] | |
+8801773750785 | |
Blood Group: B+ | |
Joining Date : 2015-12-27 | |
Research Interests:
International Economics Development Economics Macroeconomics Microeconomics Labor Economics |
About Sonia Afrin Ale
Ale, S. A., Akter, R., & Islam, M. S. (2018). Remittance Inflow and GDP Growth: Evidence from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 8(11), 1340-1353. (Scopus, ERA ABDC indexed journal). Ale, S. A. & Md. Islam, S. (2017). Do the Exchange Rates of the Countries of Freely Floating Exchange Rate Regimes Mean Reverting? Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 8(20), 81-84. (SCI-Edge (U.S), Index Copernicus (Poland) indexed journal). Md. Islam, S. and Ale, S. A. (2017). Examining the effect of expenditure-changing and expenditure-switching policies on the Real GDP in Bangladesh. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University, 1(2), 67-72. Ale, S.A. External Debt and Growth Dynamics: Evidence from Lower-Middle-Income Countries. (Submitted to a peer reviewed journal) Sultana, H., Md. Islam, S., Md. Haque, A. U., and Ale, S.A. Income Inequality and Economics Growth: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 10(16), 78-83(SCI-Edge (U.S), Index Copernicus (Poland) indexed journal).
Experiences and Activities
Research Experience Current Supervision
Past Supervision:
Professional Experience
Administrative Expertise
3. Head: Cultural Committee, Department of Economics, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh; Duties: Organizing cultural programme.