Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Political Science

Academic Profile of Tasnim Alam

Tasnim Alam

About Tasnim Alam


Research Book (in Bangla)

  1. Mohammadpur-Gandhi Asram Genocide, Genocide and Torture Archive Trust, 2019
  2. Bangabandhu's Kolkata Life, Tamralipi Publishers, Dhaka, 2020


Experiences and Activities

  • Former ‘Teaching Assistant’ at BRAC University in the department of English and Humanities from September 2018 to April 2020. 
  • Associate Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Executive Member, Bangladesh Itihash Sammilani.

Awards and Scholarship:

 # ‘Academic Roll of Honor’ for the Bachelor of Arts Examination-2015 from the Department of History, University of Dhaka

#  Bangabir M.A.G Osmani Scholarship- 2015

# Misbah Uddin Khan Memorial Scholarship- 2017 for Outstanding Result in M.A from the University of Dhaka