Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Education

Welcome to the Department of Education

The Department of Education at Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) was established in 2017 and offers a Bachelor of Education degree upon completion of a four-year program. The department is committed to preparing graduates with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to serve society and the nation. With a focus on diversity, excellence, and social responsibility, the faculty and staff strive to align teaching and research with the evolving demands of the educational sector. The department envisions delivering comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate programs that integrate theoretical and practical knowledge, fostering innovation, creativity, and ethical leadership. It emphasizes a value-driven approach to enhance students' personal and professional growth. Through a combination of cutting-edge research, project-based learning, internships, and community outreach, students are equipped to address real-world educational challenges and contribute meaningfully to sustainable development goals. Collaboration is a key aspect of the department, with strong networks established among universities, education specialists, and stakeholders in Bangladesh. Students are offered diverse opportunities, including extracurricular activities, exchange programs, and participation in conferences, to develop a global perspective on education. By nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability, the department aspires to produce exemplary educators and leaders who will drive positive change in the educational landscape.

This Department is offering the following degrees:

Name of Degrees Course Started Duration Language
  • Bachelor of Education
2016-2017 4 Years English
  • Master of Education (M. Ed)
2020-2021 1 Year English

Mission and Vision


M1: To equip graduates with disciplinary knowledge and skills for a career of professional excellence in different sectors of education.
M2: To nurture quality education, integrity and diversity in terms of teaching-learning practice, enabling learning environment, and resources for students and teachers.
M3: To adopt a value driven approach for continuous improvement through meaningful collaboration, transparency, accountability and regular monitoring.
M4: To engage students in extra-curricular activities and social welfare activities through real experience in local and national arena.
M5: To develop graduates with 21st century skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, collaboration, teamwork and problem solving which is necessary for the citizen of a sustainable global society.
M6: To enable graduates to recognize and to practice ethical standards during program participation and future career.
M7: To create a culture to encourage students for lifelong learning and for generating new knowledge after graduation.
M8: To develop graduates with empathy and sense of responsibility who will be passionate to work for the development of education sector.


To become an entity of excellence in developing experts for the sector while engaging and collaborating in cutting edge research for knowledge generation in the field of educational sciences.

Message from the Chairman

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Professor Md. Jahangir Sarker, Ph.D.

Chairman and Professor

Department of Education

As valuable members of NSTU family, the Department of Education shares a responsibility to create and support effective learning environment for the students. We further want to initiate a platform of constructive dialogue, active listening with trust and respect to each other. We should always remember that along with our responsibility to sustain excellence in teaching and research, we have far to go in terms of contributing to the greater welfare of the society.

As faculty member with proven teaching and research qualification, who prepare educators and leaders for different settings, and who promote certain values; we have to ensure that our work matters and this will lead us to the best outcome in the near future. Additionally the faculty members are expected to demonstrate an understanding of individual differences; and dedicate their efforts to the education and welfare of all students.

Therefore, the central focus will always be to create harmony among student's need, teaching learning activities and the development of society. While working in this department, all the faculty members and staffs commit to the following values:  integrity, leadership, excellence, social & ethical responsibility and collaboration. I humbly request to ensure these values  which will always directs all our academic and administrative activities as a department. 


Humble gratitude and appreciation to you all,

Professor Md. Jahangir Sarker, Ph.D.


Department of Education

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Faculty Member

Md. Owaliur Rahman Akanda
Assistant Professor

Officers and Staff

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Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd