Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 [email protected]

Department of Agriculture

Welcome to the Department of Agriculture

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Its eastern and southern parts are coastal areas. Natural disasters occur here from time to time. The soil and weather of this area are somewhat unfavorable for agricultural work. In this unfavorable environment, the Department of 'Coastal Agriculture' was launched in this university in 2013 with the aim of developing crop varieties suitable for cultivation, modernizing crop production processes and increasing awareness among local farmers and people about sustainable and improved management in crop production. Later, in 2015, considering the appropriateness, usefulness and compatibility of the name of this department with the name of the degree of other universities, the department was named 'Agriculture'. BSc (Hons.) in Agriculture degree is awarded from this department in line with the course curriculum of agricultural degrees in the country and abroad. At present, there are 14 (fourteen) teachers and 235 (two hundred and thirty-five) students in the Department of Agriculture. There are 1 (one) field laboratory and 2 (two) room laboratories for practical education of departmental students. These laboratories are gradually equipped with modern equipment and research facilities. As part of the course, students of each batch are made to visit various government and private institutions related to agriculture in different semesters. There is a departmental library for the study of students and teachers, whose book collection is about 300 (three hundred).

This Department is offering the following degrees:

Name of Degrees Course Started Duration Language
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc Honours) in Agriculture (Honours)
2012-13 4 Years English
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Genetics & Plant Breeding

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Plant Biochemistry

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Entomology

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Horticulture
2021-22 1.5 Years English

Mission and Vision


"To generate world class agricultural graduates through quality teaching, research, extension services and administrative service; those graduates will be able to lead world agriculture. The specific objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Honours) degree program are:
1. To introduce the concept of soil, its use, fertility, erosion and management
2. To provide knowledge on proper methods and technologies of agricultural Production and varietal development.
3. To develop understanding on different pest & disease management systems & technologies of successful crop protection.
4. To explain the application of different scientific systems and technologies of harvesting and postharvest management crops. 5. To develop understanding on the characteristics of seed and seed propagation techniques.
6. To help understand the characteristics and interactions of bimolecular and physiology of plant growth and development.
7. To impart knowledge on food quality and health status for nutritional security.
8. To create awareness about the impact of climate change on agriculture as well as the importance of forestation in maintaining ecological balance.
9.To help acquire knowledge and skills to derive, analyze and interpret ecological, biological, social, technical and economic information from primary sources.
10.To provide knowledge on methods and strategies in the dissemination of newly developed technologies to the farmers. "


To produce graduates in the field of agriculture to serve up the country towards self-sufficiency in food production and balanced nutrition by this means ensuring food safety and food security of the country through new invention, research, development and sustainability in agriculture.

Message from the Chairman

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Dr. Gazi Md. Mohsin

Chairman and Professor

Department of Agriculture

Welcome to Agriculture Department. 

Faculty Member

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Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd